How Many Here HAD To Meet With At Least 2 Elders Over Something?

by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Chia

    Blondie, that just goes to show you how stupid they are! Some people are foaming at the mouth when it comes to giving counsel or reproof, but not when it comes to commendation or encouragement.

    Minimus, you are right about letting JWs know they do not have to meet with the elders. We give them way too much credit. They're only men, no more infallible than anyone else. But I had to experience my committee meeting to realize that I owe them nothing. I'm still fragile, scared of them at times, but I'm getting stronger every day.

  • blondie

    The other sister was new, they wanted to nail me for something so bad they didn't get the facts straight. Remember they had not met with the body to nail down the details. It was secondhand info and flawed. They weren't even aware that there were 2 different people involved. I still get confused with that sister to this day.

  • Dismembered

    I did. They just couldn't take a joke. I still don't know what is wrong with watching "The Sinful Bed" (R). Maybe someone can help me.



  • kittyeatzjdubs


    1999-private reproof

    2000-public reproof




    2005-here i am!!!!!

    it's funny b/c in between the public and private reproof, i had gotten in trouble, and my mom was really chummy w/ the eldurs wives, so they pulled every string they could to keep from having to do a public announcement. so my punishment that time was that i couldn't give talks anymore....which i did when i moved.

    luv, jojo

  • GetBusyLiving

    I've been in so many judical commitee meetings I can't even remember the number. I even turned myself in to these jokers once. It just makes me laugh now.


  • RichieRich

    Anytime I see a man in polyester sit down with a legal note pad, I start to giggle.

  • minimus

    Polyester suits.....Is that what these guys still wear?

  • RichieRich
    Polyester suits.....Is that what these guys still wear?

    You know it! Jesus didn't have a place to rest his head, why lay down an extra 50 bucks for WOOL....

  • blondie

    The elders I know have very nice suits. The brothers around here are fairly prosperous.

  • minimus

    I only had 100% wool suits and wool/silk blends.

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