I got taken to the library several times- once for showing my knees at the Kingdom Hall-- Shameless of me wasn't it!!!!
How Many Here HAD To Meet With At Least 2 Elders Over Something?
by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends
I had to at one time back in the early '90s for "debauchery" *wonders of those same elders I met with are lurking around on here*
*raising hand*
There should have been a sign on the door that said "Unbeliever's Room". I was back there so often.
I think there were 2 elders, one for sure, who wanted me to get baptized so he could df me. It bugged the hell out of them that none of their "punishments" worked and they had no power over me. One of my all time favorite dub memories is when an elder offered to restore my "priviledges" and I turned him down.
I always loved hearing a fellow elder say, "We should take his microphone privileges away from him".
my story may be long so i apologise for that. When i was 18 i was dating a brother from another state, my family didnt like him at all we were constantly fighting. One night i had had enuf and wanted to stay at a friends house that night just to get away so i started packing my bag and my mum walked in belted me in my head and was knocked unconcious.When i woke up there was an elder at my bed telling me "look what you've done, look what your made your mother do. So i asked him to leave but the elders wanted to chat with me so i made sure there were two and not just one so there could be witness'es as to what was said. And only recently i had two come around to see if the aligation made against me was true. And there has been plenty in between heheh a bit of a trouble maker i am es
At the very least 5 times - sure to go through one more then I'm done. Can't believe we gave them this power over us!!! *tsk*
WOW Es!!! Your mum is a knockout!
..never "had' to do ANYTHING
Once, however, someone did rat me out for something that happened long before. The "body" came to my home.... They tried to ask me several pointed questions about something that , frankly, was none of their business.
After several attempts to get all the 'details' I told them if thats what Party A had said I would neither confirm or deny it. Gentlemen do not kiss and tell... and they were not acting as gentlemen.
Then they asked if they could pray with me then. I told them two things... As head of my home I would do the praying...and As I had already dealt with this "sin" by asking for Christ's forgiviness long ago I really didn't see a need for their intervention. Something about if I needed a Priest I'd go to St Mary's up the street came out~ the look on the faces was priceless.... I recall having my Bible out and reading some of the verses I knew were coming before they called for them... plus a few others that unhinged the authority and procedures they were using. (It's handy being a elders kid sometimes)
I was shooting fish in a barrel...and the 'boys' knew it.
A couple of days later I was told to show up for a private reproof, and public announcment...If I refused they threatened to DF me. Whatever.
I showed up.... sat in the backroom meeting..still never actually admited anything... they read the announcment for the reproof the next meeting.
I had played by the rules and using their rules had taken the upper hand. They could'nt press harder and they never got what they wanted. They were pissed. Plus I was well known and a pretty well behaved person. Credibility was on my side. I think they had the 'hands full" with me.
I never went to meetings on a regular basis after that... and began a long fade.
If I didn't get asked to meet with them in the back room at least once a week, I'd think they were mad at me. I was the one that made them work for their titles.