The 15 April 1966 Watchtower article "What Binding Satan the Devil Will Mean for Mankind" holds the record for total number of uses of the words "Satan" and "Devil" in a single article or chapter. Total: 163.
I find this other article is hilarious exercise in the pot calling the kettle black:
*** w58 5/15 pp. 305-310 Does Superstition or Knowledge Govern You? ***
HAVE you ever seen a small child who was afraid in a dark room? As soon as light is put into the room all his fears vanish. He sees everything that is in the room and knows there is nothing there to hurt him. With this knowledge he feels satisfied; he feels safe. We may say it is childish for anyone to be afraid in the dark; but today millions of grownups are filled with fear, uncertainty and superstition because they are in the darkness that Satan the Devil has brought upon this world....Down through the centuries Satan has held sway over the human race and has seen to it that they have come to believe many strange things. In every community today peculiar superstitions influence the lives of the people. From Arctic lands to the tropics Satan’s superstitions are found. The Eskimos believe in ghosts. Many also believe in the transmigration of souls, that spirits return in animals, winds, rocks, ice and water, and that they can be appeased by hoodoo rites. To change the wind they chant, drum and howl against it, and, as a last resort, fire the graves of the dead. So much superstition, with no reasoning! Though they have never been able to change the wind, their superstitious blindness keeps them trying it....
While millions of people in the world today may look on these practices and
beliefs as ridiculous, are they so enlightened that they do not fall victim to
similar superstitions? Consider for a moment the hundreds of millions of persons who now profess Christianity and yet who sincerely believe in the immortality of the human soul and that their dead loved ones suffer in purgatory fires and can be relieved of the suffering only through the giving of money to a priest for certain religious rituals to be performed....There would be no end of telling of the
strange ideas and superstitions found throughout the world.
Satan has completely confused his bedarkened subjects and has brought them much injury thereby.
Superstitions are harmful to mankind.
Superstition will never lead anyone to the accepted service of Almighty God and life eternal in his new world.