District Assembly eating rules....

by JH 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunspot
    Maybe in militant style I should just go to an assembly with a huge sign on my head saying Disfellowshipped and Unclean and then take a hamper of food and much my way through the whole session, thus preventing those with consciences from eating all day long!


  • RichieRich

    If you guys go this year, be sure to take one of these!


    Also, we'll have badges for you momentarily!!!

  • 95stormfront
    Well if you are disfellowshipped, as I was at the last couple of assemblies I attended, I was told I HAD to go outside to eat otherwise all the brothers around me would be breaking the rule "to quit even eating with the unclean one" technically.

    I think that would have to be the stupidest thing I've heard today. Them not wanting to eat with me would've been "their problem". And what would they have done if you refused to go......call the police?

    Just think, you could've had the whole convention hall to yourself.

    Like an old hispanic girlfriend of mine used to say.........."Das Stooooopppiiiidddddddd!!!!!"

  • unique1

    I always assumed they didn't want you to eat externally because it would take longer than they gave for break and you would miss the important song and beginning talk.

  • Crumpet
    And what would they have done if you refused to go......call the police?

    I guess there's a secret rule in the elders book about how close in proximity you can be to a DFed person who has a sandwich ... but I think it was categorised in my case as in the same room. so if that same room be a football stadium I could clear it! hehe

  • Jahna

    LOL Crumpet

    Does that mean if you walk into a restaurant all good loyal JW’s walk out mid meal? It makes you wonder huh.


  • TheListener

    I know about the 'not going to a food court or restaurant to get food during the noon meal' rule but, I haven't heard anything about not going outside for fresh air during the intermission. Is this something announced at the convention or is it that they don't want you eating outside, but once done eating you can go out?

    My God I can't believe I even have to ask this question!!!

  • rebel8

    You gotta read this one. It's really over the top.


    I guess there's a secret rule in the elders book about how close in proximity you can be to a DFed person who has a sandwich
    I don't know if you're kidding or not, but I have read the whole elders' manual and there's nothing about proximity. It just says not to eat with a DFd person.
  • BluesBrother

    Some of us can remember the days when hot food was always served to the "delegates", on trays and eaten standing up at a bench in a tent . Tasted pretty bad, but at least it was fun , cheap and a great way of meeting people. Us kids used to have fun clearing things away , working and enjoying the experience a lot more than sitting on our backsides listening to more and more talks.

    But the last time I went to Twickenham {London] , 2 or 3 years ago there were hot food vending stalls set up down the road by traders who seemed to be witnessses, (certainly addressed me as a witness), perhaps the rules are not so strict here , or has it changed already ?

  • stillajwexelder

    and at 1.30 pm each day thou shalt go to the restrooms and wipe your a#^ - rules rules rules - I thought that was what Christ came to the earth for to break with all petty rules the Mosaic law contained

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