Ok this being at home thing is starting to get to me...

by TresHappy 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • kittyeatzjdubs
    Hopefully my temp services will come through

    i got this job through a temp service...the thing is that with them, you have to bug the MESS out of them! call them everyday, ask, ''do you have an assignment for me yet!!!???'' it's very rare that they'll just call you out of the blue. they probably have hundreds of clients, and you have to make yourself known to them. let them know that you're serious and that you mean business. i finally figured this out after going 3 months without getting called. so try that and good luck with the job!!!!

    luv, jojo

  • hillbilly

    Lisa... Two years is a long time....maybe it's the "market"? Texas is a little slow and the money isnt there.

    Sometimes one has to move to where the 'work' is. Self-employment can keep the wolves away....sorry, house-cleaning and window washing can be profitable...but you have to work at it.

    My good freind has been out of work for 5 weeks.... they were a few dollars short of drawing UE insurance. No income... no assistance to speak of. Sends out dozens of applications and resumes. Sooner or later things are bound to come around.

    ~Hill (we are all "temps" class)

  • katiekitten

    Tres I really feel for you, when I was unemployed I took it as a huge rejection and felt totally worthless - in fact unemployment and poineering felt much the same to me, nothing to do but tramp the streets all day ...

    Hang in there, its not a holiday. Its only a holiday when you have work to go back to, and you know a definite time when you are going back to work. Otherwise its mentally draining (and physically I found, because the less I had to do the less energy I had to do it with). Im glad you have some positive thoughts to keep you going in the meantime.

    Of course you could always put your time to good use and pioneer.... (jeezzzz Im kidding hun)

  • Es

    I hope something comes along soon i know how hard it is. es

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