Update on Wife, my move, etc

by Yerusalyim 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yerusalyim

    Thanks for your thoughts and well wishes. Liza made it through the surgery ok. It turned into a 3 1/2 hour surgery instead of the 2 hours they predicted, oh well. She ended up losing one of her ovaries out of the deal. A cyst that had been drained a few months ago was back so they took the ovary. Her uterus was full of fibrodal tumors and she had a massive, though benign (yea right) tumor on the outside of her uterus too. She came home Sunday and is getting around as much as can be expected. The expected emotional trauma is present. Like many women she sees her femininity tied into having a womb. I just hug her and tell her I love her and that she's always a lady to me.

    Movers picked up my furniture yeserday and we're in a hotel now (JOY). I'll spend the next few days getting the house ready to rent out to someone (ANYONE) We leave here on Friday 3 August and go to Illinois, Indiana, and NY City before heading to South Carolina. One of our passengers will be two Torah Scrolls from the Local Synagogue that I'm transporting to NY City for the Jewish Welfare Board.

    Doubt that I'll be posting much if at all until the end of August. FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT.


    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • Grunt

    Hello Yerusalyim,
    I'm glad that the operation is over and that the cyst was benign. Her condition has been a painful one, I am sure, and I hope the operation gets rid of the pain. Moving is tough anytime, and to deal with it and the surgery would be very frustrating I'm sure. I hope you find good renters, sometimes that's a real pain, and that you enjoy your new location. Please give your wife my regards and best wishes for a speedy recovery and a home she will love. I like South Carolina, my daughter was born in Spartanburg. I hope the local witnesses knock on your door within the next few months and can benefit from your experiences and understanding. Almost everyone on this board USED to be a witness. They can be helped and we are the best ones to help them. In the words of Kipling, "There's no discharge in the War!" Thanks for keeping us informed and for the encouragement.

  • SlayerLayer

    I'm glad your wife is going to be ok. I can't imagine the hardship this has been. Where in South Carolina are you moving to? I live in Greenville, SC.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Yeru, I somehow missed your initial post, but I'm glad to hear that your wife made it through surgery successfully.

    Keep reassuring her.....a woman is more than a uterus, and she is more than a child-bearing machine.

  • Billygoat


    I'm glad to hear that all is getting better with your wife. You sound like a great husband! When I'm totally stressed out, the best thing my boyfriend does is hug me and tell me he loves me. He is truly my anchor in the storms. Not enough men in the world with character and compassion like that. I hope all your travels are safe!



  • jurs

    Hugs to you and your wife....jurs

  • slipnslidemaster

    Husband nothing, you seem like a really nice man.

    I'm glad that she is getting better and enjoy the travelling. Just think, only 5 weeks to go!

    Slipnslidemaster: "The gods too are fond of a joke."
    - Aristotle

  • mommy

    Hey Yeru,
    I also missed the original thread. ((((((hugs)))))) to you and yours. Last year I had to have my ovary removed, and the emotional battle I fought was awful. I am sure you will be a wonderful support for her, and she is lucky to have you. Good luck with the move, and I wish you all the best

    In a controversy the instant we feel anger, we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves.

  • outnfree

    I, too, missed the original thread, Yeru, and I am sorry for your wife's physical and emotional pain. You are a very good man, and I wish her a speedy recovery, and the both of you safe passage.


  • closer2fine

    I'm so sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with you and your wife.



    "Can you imagine a world with no hypothetical questions?" -- Steven Wright


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