Update on Wife, my move, etc

by Yerusalyim 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bendrr

    Yeru, this is the first I have heard about your wife. I really hope it works out ok for her. A very good friend of mine went thru much the same thing over a year ago and her pain was terrible. Y'all hang in there.

  • Simon

    Hope everything goes well for you and Liza and that she has a speedy recovery.

    Have a good trip...

  • think41self

    Hi Yeru,

    I am SO GLAD your wife came through the surgery ok. That is too bad that you have to move right at this time, but things have a way of working out don't they? Maybe a new environment will be beneficial to her recovery.

    I hope she is able to overcome her feelings about not feeling "feminine" anymore. Personally, I thought having to suffer through periods every month didn't leave you feeling exactly feminine. After a tubal ligation years ago that went wrong, I had my uterus removed (tell your wife I am sharing this personal tidbit just for her benefit). Anyway, I have to tell you...NOT having that monthly curse anymore makes me feel WAY feminine AND sexy. Hubby says he figures I am just the perfect woman now...can have sex any time we want...no PMS...no accidental pregnancies...sigh...course he kind of loves me, know what I mean? Give her a big hug for me, ok?


    "When agnostics die, do they go to the great perhaps"?

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