So i'm at the meeting tonight......or what's weak this week

by JV 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • JV

    Yeah i feel better now, now all i have to do is wait 9 hours for the WC Qualifiers

  • GetBusyLiving

    I'm gleaning a feeling of animosity from this post, JV. Did you not glean properly what the speaker was trying to convey? Perhaps a more indepth study of the material would make you appreciate the gleanworthyness of the speakers talk. Are you gleaning my drift?

    Ugg that was lame.


  • JV

    Gleanworthyness, that's an interesting one must be real late over in cow town, real late.

  • katiekitten

    That was a good rant.

    Thank goodness someone still goes so we can keep ABREAST of the crapola words they use, as it is FOODATTHEPROPERTIME, from our heavenly father, and more importantly from THEFAITHFULANDDISCREETSLAVE.

    What songs did you sing?

  • catchthis
    Another word that i'm sick and tired of hearing is 'glean'

    I seriously laughed out loud at that!

    Heh, me too. There have been a few times where that word has popped up in my vocabulary where it made me do a flinch and cringe. Really though, how many 'worldly' people do you hear using that word in casual conversation? If I hear it verbally spoken, I turn to see if the person saying it is a recognizable witness.

  • Mary

    Thank goodness someone still goes so we can keep ABREAST of the crapola words they use, as it is FOODATTHEPROPERTIME

    Hey, I'm making the ULTIMATE sacrifice and attending one day----yes, you read that right: one FULL day, of the crapified ASSembly to see what sort of New/Old/Recycled Light will be presented. I'll post my sure-to-be-enlightened-experience here once I finish gagging.

  • TheListener

    Prerequisite is one word

    Good rant. It took me several hours to read it though

  • xjwms


    Good rant. I am ready to do the same about a visit I had last week. A brother I studied with many years ago came to visit me.

    Still trying to calm down, before I write about it.

  • blondie
    Oh another nugget of gold that i liked was the elder said that if we were to read a newspaper from cover to cover it would take several hours

    Sounds like the kind of guy who would tell you to chew each mouthful of food 32 times.

    JWs don't study.

    They belong in 3 groups

    1. The ones that underline every word in various colors of highlighters

    2. The ones who randomly underline the paragraphs just before leaving on Sunday so the attendants aren't stumbled.

    3. The ones who don't even have the WT for that morning and have to raise their hands to get one of the extras another JW brought (to get them out of the house and not stacking up in the closet; can count those as placements too; at least one unbaptized person will get one)

    Yet all three will read it word for word from the paragraph.


  • RunningMan

    Only "suchlike ones" use the word "glean".

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