by badboy 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Witnesses are allowed to eat sausage COMPONENTS, as long as they are not brought together to make a whole sausage.

    Why is that so difficult to understand?

  • Terry

    If you take a giant step back and look at these kinds of issues you suddenly become aware of the craziness!

    This invisible friend (in the sky) is quirky, isn't he? Jehovah is obsessive/compulsive about his friend's behavior (we humans). He requires that you perform certain rituals or he goes into a lather and might kill you if you don't comply.


    God! It is downright alarming to think I ever spent a moment of my time thinking this way. It is mental illness and nothing less.

    God gets pissed off if you eat a sausage? Wow!

    Get a friendlier God next time!!

  • The Chuckler
    The Chuckler

    Sausages are served on plates.

    John the Baptists head was delivered to Herods Missus on a plate, Pontius Pilate washed his hands in a plate like bowl and the harlot drinks the blood of the righteous in Revelation out of a cup shaped plate.

    So since everytime a plate is mentioned it is a bad thing and sausages are served on plates, JWs can't eat sausages.

  • garybuss

    katiekitten, You wrote:
    Is it monthly or bi-monthly pickle?

    I'm not sure. I did overhear several Witnesses say they got the pickle every time the CO came to town.

  • vitty

    Whats wrong with cumberland sausage, we ate then all the time.

  • vitty

    Crumpet, whats wrong with cumberland sausage, we ate them all the time?

  • Englishman

    I think UK and US sausages are quite different.


  • Crumpet

    Vitty! Cumberland sausages had blood in them - they were slaughtered differently or something. So when we stayed at any B&B's we had to check that the sausages were not cumberland ones and if they were - well they got to stay on the plate along with black pudding and the red smarties!

  • JAVA

    I think anyone who has eaten as much crow as the Witnesses have, should be allowed to eat sausage. . . it's only fair.

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    while a JW a worker got me by saying , how can you eat meat when there is no possible way to completely bleed it?

    I asked the Circuilt Overseer who was in town...

    his answer was

    Jehovah is neither an extremist nor an absolutist...

    seems dying for blood loss is pretty extreme if a transfusion will fix it...

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