Does watchtower society support any charity??

by Podiatrist 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Podiatrist

    At times, faithful ones in the congregation may be in need of material assistance

    Faithful ones??? that's rather subjective statement. Might also mean whoever church elders don't fancy these are "screwed" forgive my language, which is exactly what happened in this case...

  • crazyblondeb

    I get really f*#king pissed off on this subject. My mom is getting older-hardly makes ends meet. She lives in an OLD trailer that has holes in it. Things actually freeze inside in the winter. She stuffs newspapers in holes. She's lonely.....Do you think that they have ever offered a shred of help? Yet she goes on about the organization. So yes, I'm pissed. I'm actually talking about the Columbia, MO congregation (meant for you lurkers). Take care of their own my ass!! That would mean they'd have to actually get off their asses and do something for someone else.


  • greendawn

    Being charitable goes too much against their grain and they bring up the usual hypocritical excuses to cover themselves.

    First of all they don't help their own people even if they proved loyal and helpful to the org then they find the excuse that their preaching is charity enough yet the early Christians whom they claim to imitate did preaching and were charitable in addition.

  • chrissy

    Yes but of courseā€¦. They engage in the worldwide preaching work, supported solely by donations.

    Sure they were in FL. after Andrew hit, and they got some good publicity out of it. Only most people figured they were there side by side with the Red Cross handing out clean water, supplies, and administering first aid to any victim in need, when in reality they were there to assist the bros & sis and engage in a little kh roofing, quick-build style.

  • Elsewhere

    When I was a JW I recall that every now and then a homeless person would enter the Kingdom Hall asking for some help. It never failed, every last one was turned away without being provided with so much as a dime or even something to eat.

  • Podiatrist

    That's a sad story shelley, thanks for sharing it.

    So does it now mean that a witness would be excommunicated for going to Salavation Army, Caritas or Red Cross for help?? And yet WTS wouldn't help them in any way?!? Are they nuts? Or might it be that majority of JWs are rich. Is this some sort of richass FreeMasonary like cult??

  • dh
    I never personally witnessed it, but I they used to tell us about disaster reliefs that witnesses were involved in, such as hurricanes in the gulf states. As far as I know, they don't formally support any charities.

    I remember they used to say this was the case, and they would always say how the local people and other emergency services would comment on how quick the JW's were there to the aid of everyone. However if this were really the case, it would get mentioned at least once in the media coverage, but you never hear about the JW's, you hear about the Red Cross, Oxfam etc. I do not think the JW do any good in disasters... When the Tsunami happened, there was a topic on here where one of our posters called WT Headquarters to offer money, and were told to donate it to the world wide work, and that there was no system in place to donate money to that particular appeal, and I'm sure they don't release figures on how much money they spend on real humanitarian work. They just throw a spin on it, and bank the dollars.

  • katiekitten

    They used to tell us that they were OFTEN the first ones in with aid when a disaster had happened. Now I know its Medicine Sans Frontiers.

    Only help we would give homeless people was literature. They had to prove they were interested in the truth first by coming regularly to meetings before they qualified for any other help.

    Heres a funny story though, we had an earnest young man start studying at my old cong. He didnt realise that witnoids only PRETEND to care for people. He saw these two people near his house who looked real down and outs. He was so moved by their plight that he ran to the fish and chip shop nearby and bought twice with scraps for them. They were pretty grateful, but also bemused as it turned out they were just waiting for a bus!

  • zagor

    Oh how I agree with that katiekitten. Sometimes I wondered if most JW would ever talk to people if they couldn't record hours of field service with them. I often said that to elders, which naturally got im into trouble.

  • orangefatcat

    You must be kidding the WATCHTOWER doesn't support anyone including their own.

    And I can tell you first hand that the elders in several congregations I have been in told us to go to the FOOD BANK and the

    SALVATION ARMY FOOD BANK. not once did we ever recieve any assistance from the congregation and we were a strong Christian family at that time.

    So my ex husband started even excepting the Christmas Hampers the Salvation Army would give out in the holiday season.

    Even the order of ST VINCENT DU PAUL helped us out and I think that the more times we used this form of help when things were finacially bad, made me take a second look at the organization. People who didn't know us were willing to help and no questions asked, Now that is true Christianity in my books

    I recall several years ago when I had extra money I knew of a family that had virtually nothing int here home to eat. I told the brothers but they didn't do anythng because they believed the husband was a lazy man. But that was not the case he tried very hard to provide for his family. So I went up to the local village grocer and explained about this famly was in need and If they could help them out I would be very grateful. I too gave willingly of my excess to help out. Later that day the local food store delievered four full boxes of food to them. They never knew that I told the store and that was the way I wanted it. I gave my firiends money to assist them when I could and would drive her husband around to find work. Much to the chagrin of the elders especially my father. I have no idea what their problem was with my wanting to help out someone in need. They would rather see them starve then help.

    It was convention time and this same couple had no money to go to Hamilton so I told them that I would give them the money to go and to buy meals etc so they wouldn't have to travel back and forth. Then a few days prior to the assembly may dear dear elder father came to me and said if you give that family any money what so ever for the assembly I will see to it that you get disfellowshipped. While I was so upset and didn't know what to do. I think deep down my ex husband told my dad we were giving them money just to make himself look good and I think that is why my dad told me no way or else. Because there was no other way my fahter could have found this out. I was livid. It was my spending money in fact it had nothng to do with my ex at all as I worked and had the extra. I mean can you believe it? It sickened me and slowly but surely I started in a down ward spiral after that. That incident was in 1985 and it only took me until 14 years to say good bye to the WTS.

    They are all a bunch of hypocrites. They only want to fill their own coffers. Good riddens to bad rubbish.


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