Okay, first off, let me get this straight...You guys are all witnesses, some all active, some do things all the way right, some don't do things all the way right? Some are by the book but not preachy, and some are witnesses that are rogue and do things their own way? I just want to know before I post any doubts or concerns or anything because even though I know we're supposed to stay away from places like this on the Internet, I don't want what I say somehow getting back to my congregation somehow and next thing you know 4 elders come busting through the door waving "No Blood" cards and shouting "Freeze, Jehovah's Witnesses!"
New and need a question answered before I post any other questions
by soundbox_guy 52 Replies latest jw friends
Post away with your questions/doubts - many here will understand and share them most likely.
We have a mix of active, inactive but mostly ExJWs here.
As with any DB don't give out too much personal information or detail if you are worried about your identity being found out
Welcome soundbox, i think you'll find a mixture of people here lots of x-jw, some active jw's some inactive, pretty much the whole spectrum, if you don't want it getting back to the elders then keep all the personal info on the down lo, obvious things like state, job, etc.... anyways hope to hear more from ya
Welcome to the site- stick around. The main thing you will get here is honesty.
Black Sheep
Go for it Soundbox. Just don't say anything that will give away your ID.
I, like many, am a drifted 'born in'. I only recently found out that the WT isn't what it says it is.
Welcome to the board. I hope you enjoy your stay. I have.
and next thing you know 4 elders come busting through the door waving "No Blood" cards and shouting "Freeze, Jehovah's Witnesses!"
With a sense of humour like that you'll be very welcome here.
The spectrum of people coming here varies from non-Witnesses who come to talk about doctrine etc., partners of Witnesses, active Witnesses defending the Organisation, active Witnesses, troubled with aspects of the organisation, inactive Witnesses, x-Witnesses, the partners of inactive or x-Witnesses...
... as the Organisational doctrine advises people not to use the Internet, and advises people not to listen to any dissenting opinions, obviously a website by definiton will attract people... just like you, for example... a person with genuine doubts and concerns who is afraid that they will be punished simply for having genune doubts and concerns.
The fact that one cannot question things freely is obviously one of your primary concerns. Don't worry, you're amongst friends (more so than you'll initially realise), and everyone here pretty much by their presence here subscribes to the opinion 'truth need not hide'. If something is held to be true, there should be no problem questioning it as it'll just turn out to be true.
And don't worry about our anonymity; there might be 'spies' here (whether self-appointed zealots who obviously have purchased "anti-demon" software to allow them to breach society guidelines about the Internet with impunity or boys from Bethel), but there is no way they can tell who you are or where you are unless you disclose that information.
You are free here to ask the questions you have never dared ask before in absolute safety.
Cool, eh?
I just want to know before I post any doubts or concerns or anything because even though I know we're supposed to stay away from places like this on the Internet
Hello........and welcome
I think you'll be happy to know that this is THE best place you could have found---that fits your needs along that line! You can get your questions answered by well-seasoned veterans who have been in (and out of) the WTS for many years.
We all have or had concerns that led us here too. Do you actually know why you are told to "stay away" from forums like this? It's because the WTS has many secrets to keep covered up and these secrets are no longer "secret" here.
They are desperately trying to keep the JWs from finding out all these long-hidden lies and cover-ups, and know that people are leaving their KHs in droves! Their false claims and foolish policies have caught up with them, and they are losing power and prestige. They are doing everything they can to try and keep JWs from coming to all the sites that expose them for just what they are.
The WTS pounds into the heads of the JWs that coming to the internet will cause you to "lose your faith". The real truth is that you stand a chance of losing your faith in the Watchtower itself, (not in the bible or in God) when you discover all the lies you have been told.
They keep telling you too, to keep on "making sure of all things"----but have you also noticed that you are only allowed to study the publications that they themselves print?? Of course what you read will always favor the WTS beliefs, not neccessarily those found in the bible!
I was a JW for 30 years, and was blown away by what I dicovered about the religion I had dedicated my very life to follow.
Please stick around, ask all the questions you need to-----and be prepared for the REAL truth about the WTS.
Welcome soundbox-guy - I am no long a JW - my scales fell out my eyes about 6 months ago and for the first time I can see clearly now.
How do we know you are not the thought police checkin' US out? Huh? Huh?
Anywho - thats not my photo, Its one I found in a charity shop, Im really a man, I live in a country far far away, and I attend ALL the meetings. I answer up in paragraph 3 of the Watchtower without fail, and I have sex with my husband ... ahem ... er.... wife on Wednesdays when there are no spiritual activities to do instead.
Hope that clears everything up.
Welcome soundbox guy!
Great post Annie!
Katie - stop it, I am trying to work here and instead I'm spitting up sandwich all over my screen laughing!