Soundbox -- Welcome! I was an elder for many years, and was in the full time work for years, too. Feel free to express yourself. No one knows you unless you say who you are, and what congregation your from.
New and need a question answered before I post any other questions
by soundbox_guy 52 Replies latest jw friends
Doubtfully Yours
We're the "Anti-JW", and proud of it!!!
Stick around. You'll like us.
Doubtfully Yours
I'm a JW, in name only, because if I wasn't, my JW-fanatic relatives would have nothing to do with me. I'm not ready for that kind of treatment just yet.
DY, of the 'alive and well' class.
"I just want to know before I post any doubts or concerns or anything because even though I know we're supposed to stay away from places like this on the Internet..."
soundbox, you must be either a joker or a total [I don't want to violate rule #3].
First of all, the only things we can know about you are the things you tell us.
Second of all, why do you have to know our background in order to ask a question or questions? I don't get it.
If you're affraid of asking a question, then run run run ... quick... run.
But if you're just trying to be funny, then welcome to forum.
Observador. -
Thanks for all the replys, I was just a little apprehensive at first because I was starting to feel like I was becoming like Anakin Skywalker after he started tapping into the dark side or something. My question probably isn't anything as big as you might think, I doubt it's anything that would give off a Neo or "chosen one" type vibe. I was just wondering if anyone felt the same way I feel sometimes. For example, no matter how much I do at the Hall, it's still not enough. Elders keep trying to work with me in field service just so that they can give me the "We Need Brothers" talk. And when they do it, it's like they think I'm not smart enough to be able smell the "We want you to become a Ministerial Servant so we can have less work to do for ourselves" speech. Then I got one elder asking me personal questions all the time like I'm supposed to report back to him everything that takes place in my life. For instance, he'll ask "Why were you late for field service today?" And I'm thinking "I'm late for work, and I get paid to be there!" Then on top of that, little stuff makes me upset like the time an elder invited a bunch of witnesses to dinner at a restaurant and because I'm single, he asks me to get up from my seat and move to another one because he wants all couples to sit in one area next to him. So then I'm thinking "Okay, look, I try hard not to use my charm on women, I'm not single because I'm some loser or something like you're treating me, I could flirt with the waitress and get her to go on break right now so she could sit next to me and be my date if I wanted." I just get tired of trying to do what's right and be without things only to be treated like crap all the time. I even turn my desire to flirt with hot white women at work down from "Full blast" to "sprinkler mode" just so that I can try to be good. Sometimes I push things to the edge a little by asking for a number but then I think "Would the elders at my Hall try to get the phone numbers of hot white women with pretty feet that have on pretty sparkly silver toe nail polish", then I go "Nahhh" and don't even call the girl. So then I look bad because the girls end up thinking I'm just some guy scared of women when that's not the truth. So I do all this, which gives me guilt and makes me depressed, only to go to the meeting later on and still get treated like crap. So I guess my question is, have you guys been through similar things like this?
I totally know where you are coming from dude. I tried to be the guy in the Watchtower articles, you know the ideal witness braindead lacky, cleaning toilets and spending all my free time door knocking. I turned down lots of normie chicks when I was a witness too.
I'll just cut to the chase with you man: its all bullshit. Totally, unequivically, undeniably bullshit. Stick around here, do your research on the WTBTS, and get on with your life dating those hot waitresses.
**So I guess my question is, have you guys been through similar things like this?**
Yup. And if you think THAT's bad. Imagine being a single WOMAN in that organization.
-Aude. -
What's your story, Aude_Sapere, from a woman's perspective?
The elders (and many other JWs, as well as the WTS) try to make it seem like every pleasure that you feel, every doubt that you have, every non-JW-stamp-of-approval thing that you do, you should feel guilty about.
I hope you don't have anything against hot black, hot spanish, hot asian, or hot brasilian women.
PS...Welcome to the Forum.
Nahhh, I like 'em all, I just mentioned the hot white ones because around these parts there aren't many and they're like a tasty treat.....kinda like Peanut Butter Twix, you can get regular Twix pretty much anywhere, but some stores they don't take the time to order them, so when you do get a Peanut Butter Twix it's like a treat.