The show hasn't been cancelled, unfortunately it's coming back in the fall, but i think that's because NBC's progamming is seriously hurting. The british version is outstanding, pure gold. I recently heard about the show so i decided to give it a try so i downloaded, i loved it so much i went out and bought it the next day ( there's a note to all you record and tv execs lurking on this forum, if you put out good product people will buy it!!!! the reason people download music is we don't want to pay 15 bucks for a cd with one good song ) but that's another topic for another day, where was I???? The pilot of the american version was a straight copy of the british version, it was garbage, i've got nothing against steve carrel, his produce pete segments on the daily show are classic but something just gets lost in translation. I mean how many good original shows get cancelled here?? tons tv execs are idiots plain and simple. Thank god the new exec at Fox decided to renew Arrested Development the only good comedy show on american tv today. The moral of the story is don't be unoriginal bastards don't cancel new shows after 5 episodes give them some time to grow remember, Seinfeld wasn't a hit right away and we all know how that turned out. There's my rant for today, The tele, something dear to my heart, after all it did raise me.