Are You Sick of Religion?

by minimus 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • bebu

    Which particular definition?

    1. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
    2. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
    3. The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
    4. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
    5. A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.

    Seems like even if you don't believe in the supernatural, you could still be quite religious (#5).

    I don't have a problem believing or worshiping God, or worshiping Him with others, because it's what I believe (not what I'm trying to earn). I also reserve the right to disagree with leaders (and I have done that), to keep from being anyone's slave.

    If religion is only about activity to get God's favor, then it would be overwhelming and exhausting; it would be a source of anxiety as well (which doesn't help social relationships).


  • aniron


    Thats why I became a Christian.

  • JW83

    Way to go aniron - that's right, 'religion' is a snare & a racket, isn't it?! Of course 'truth' can't be classed as a mere religion, just like all the others?!

  • jimakazi

    You bet.

    Religion usually involves faith, faith is defined as belief without evidence.

    So with no evidence at all people proceed to kill, convert, argue, fight, distroy families, interfer in politics, stop people thinking, ensalve minds, waste lives, etc.

    The world would be a FAR better place, and Humanity would be far better off without it. Love and mutual respect for others, and others viewpoint, nationality, and sexuality, combined with a similar respect for the earth would get us in a FAR better place.

  • Podiatrist

    now more than ever ...

  • LittleToe

    JW83:There's a difference between religion and spirituality, yes?
    Can the Christian religion be separated from the Christian?

    That's quite a religion you're starting there (as per your definition).

    Have you any evidence that removing religion would bring us the conditions you suggest, or is that also built on faith (as per your definition)?

  • G Money
    G Money

    My view is that as religion grows, it needs organization, that leads to a need for more money and therein lies the control and corruption. Control the people and take their money.

  • trevor

    I have enjoyed all this comments on this thread

    Rod P - I enjoyed your post but had to break for a rest half way through.

    Terry - I think we can take that as a -Yes!

    I had had had had had had had had had had had had intended to add something my self but have nothing of interest to add. I must save my energy for a Saturday night on the town. It is 6PM in the UK.

  • lilybird

    Yes. I think religion has caused many wars in the past and splits people up into groups of what they believe as per their religion. I also know that religion does do a lot of good charitable work to help others. But that could be accomplished without religious organization as many groups who are not religious care about and help other people in need. We will never be rid of the snare of different religions as many people have the need to belong to an organized religion to know god and serve him. That is their choice in the free world. As long as you have people forming these religious groups, there will always be greed, oppression, status and intolerance for others . There are always going to be people who enjoy the power, status , the monetary gain from organized religion. God never said in the bible to organize yourselves into a religious organization to worship him. He only asked that you love others as you love yourself and treat others as you would be treated. I personally don't believe in a supreme being and have no need to believe that way. My life is much more fulfilling now that I am free of the need to worry about pleasing a god that is fashioned by how people perceive him to be.

  • jaffacake

    I was going to comment myself, but will settle for just re-reading the posts that make most sense to me: Rod P, MarkfromCali, Angry, Little Toe, and Aniron. Thanks to all, and of course to Min for another good thread.

    As humans we are so limited that we have to understand 'God' in terms of a being, or even some form of person.

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