religion is from latin, to bind.... whatever binds your mind to your understanding of reality counts, so that even atheism can be a religion, as the American Atheists proved in court.
spirituality is from full of breath or hot air.... breath being a symbol of invisible powers... like ideas and emotions...
the wisest advise I know comes from Robert A wilson --- Everyone has their own Belief System, the trick is to never take anyones BS too seriously, especially ones own.
this can be accomplished by realizing that all experiences are facts, but beliefs about them are not.
I see something wispy and shaped like a man, nearly transparent.... can be a fact--- a fact of perceptions, an experience.
I see a ghost, is a belief, not necessarily a fact, not necessarly wrong either....but just a belief, a conclusion drawn from education, experiences and previous beliefs.
People such as JWs tend to give two opposing beliefs as the ONLY alteranatives and then provide evidence for one over the other...and by doing this over and over again they steer the uninformed to their conclusions.... yet in just about every case one can think of many different possibilities not given by the JWs or others using the same tactics
and just because all CURRENT evidence points to one of two GIVEN possibilities does not make that ONE the correct answer.... just the most likely of the possibilities at hand... this is often overlooked by those seeking absolute answers to open questions.