I publicly said the Pledge of Allegiance with my right hand over my heart. The irony of it all is it happened during Vacation Bible School this week in my church's sanctuary. It felt good. It felt right. I know I wasn't betraying Jesus by doing it. The sky didn't fall down around my ears. The ground didn't shake. I didn't hear thunder. I wasn't worshipping the flag. I was simply affirming loyalty to a country that allows people the freedom to worship God. If that freedom is ever taken away I will stop saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Until then, I will continue saying the Pledge without any feelings of guilt left over from my cult-worshipping years.
After 15 Years I Finally Did It
by Honesty 28 Replies latest jw experiences
I dont see why you shouldnt do the pledge of allegiance, after all the WBTS pledged their allegiance to the UN, the great harlot.
Good for you.
Yay honestly!
I felt the same when I renewed my D/L and registered to vote.
Down da towaa
Did you feel a burning sensation in your heart when you put your hand over it?
One small step for honesty...One giant leap for mankind.
Hey, give me a break ! That's all I could think of at the time.
Good going Honest !!!
Okay, enough silliness. I had a rough day at work, and want to play.
Good going, Honesty. I am patriotic, and love it when some ex-j.w.'s show their patriotism.
Good man, Honesty !
God bless America........I mean it !
I too remember the day I registered and the first time I actually voted. And the first time I stood up, took off my hat and sang the National Anthem. It was great to feel so normal among all those people.
The JWs themselves derived a lot of benefit from the USA constitution so I don't know why they ignore all that. They have the right to go and deceive and pester people in their homes.
Thanks everyone!!
Just facing the reality that the WTBTS is sooo wrong about everything makes it all worthwhile. I looked Allegiance up in Webster's and found out just how wrong they are:
Allegiance: n. the obligation of a person to his or her state or government.
It's pretty obvious, then, that the WTBTS is subversive and against any and all authority.
It dawned on me a few months ago that I could do that, too. Not sure why I didn't think about it sooner. I haven't had the opportunity yet, but am waiting for the Fourth of July. I am SO looking forward to it!!! I have started teaching the Pledge to my children, and interestingly, my husband's first reaction was that we were going too far. Then he remembered we were free to do as we please. Funny how those residual Witness knee-jerk reactions still come to the surface once in awhile.