I wonder how long it would take to see everyting there is to see and learn to do everything there is to learn.
Would it be like the movie "Ground Hog day?".
Do each day over and over till we get it right?
Possibly because we are NOT perfect we have a hard time envisioning a "Perfect world".
I personally couldn't imagine such a world. In say 5,000 years you say to your mate(If you have one) Let's go see the grand canyon..they would say..we already saw it. Would it be boring after so long a time?
And kids..after the earth would be reasonably filled..the children would stop coming..as we supposedly grow to perfection everyone would be about the same age.there would be no more mating as procreation was the only reason for it according to the bible.You know what that means..no sex!
But we would be farmers.. not herders..I doubt we would eat meat.
I wonder if the animals would die? I can't remember.
So 10,000. years go by..what kind of life would you envision?
By this time you would have to have a daily pattern. Maybe God would assign a new living area for you and tell you to move to such and such area..but that would eventually get used up and you would have to start over at a area you already lived once.
Would he wipe out our memories every so often so it would be a New experience for us?
Would he directly heal all of us and get rid of any viruses that linger after Armageddon?(Cleanning up dead bodies is a bummer for germs!)
Or appoint "Healers?"
What would happen to marriage?..In a perfect body would we need a 'Soulmate?"
We already know if someone is resurrected they will be unable to marry as they will be like the angels!
So some will live be unmarried.
Will God eventually wipe out our memories of loved ones that died and weren't JW's?
He said he would. Do you want your memory erased?
It just doesn't sound real to me...and yet..the thought of never seeing hubby again tears me up sometimes..
But it is just a fact I have to face. It is my belief!
Being perfect sounds wonderful..no death..but when you start asking questions..you start to wonder!
Almost like a life sentence without parole. No way out.