Do you think perfection is boring?

by ballistic 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    Depends on your definition of "perfection"

    A hammer is the perfect tool to pound nails but it is an imperfect tool to insert screws.

    The purpose of human life is to be happy. If a person lives his life recognizing that fact, that person is perfect. Curiosity, exploring, learning, and all other means of personal growth are expressions of human perfection. That is not boring.

    Star Trek writers and most people today fail to understand perfection. Their definition of perfection as sustainability with no growth is anti-life, anti-human. That is not perfection.

  • ballistic
    A hammer is the perfect tool to pound nails but it is an imperfect tool to insert screws.

    Ha! But I am talking about about a pretend universe of perfection. Define perfection.

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    Human perfection can be defined as "using your own mind and body to your best ability."

    Doing that we do not have to pretend but have reached perfection.

  • Netty
    Perhaps you need someone who is imperfect to strike the perfect balance

    Would take on hell of an extremely imperfect person to qualify...

  • Narkissos
    The purpose of human life is to be happy.

    Now that's a pretty wild assertion to me.

    If the cats in my backyard happened to grow a human-like conscience about hunting mice or sparrows, I doubt this would make them any happier...

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    The cats in your back yard are happy chasing mice. They may not have evloved into sentient beings as homo sapiens but they are living their lives to the best of their ability. Your cats are perfect cats. Why do you think they are unhappy? Because they have not invented a Cat God to enslave themselves?

  • Satanus

    No, i don't think that it would be boring. Perfect women, now, there's a concept. I could handle that. No overwieghtness, not a wrinkle or pimple, walking perfectly, etc.

    W the men building/doing things perfectly as well, i could really sluff off - perfectly, of course.


  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock


    Evolving into sentient beings homo sapiens decide for themselves what is good and bad. Anything that helps a human achieve happiness is good. Anything that blocks human happiness is bad. The only caveat to this is you cannot intiate force against another human.

    The majority of humans ignoring this simple axiom is the biggest reason for human misery.

  • Sunspot
    But what if you lived in a world (or heaven for that matter) where everything was so perfect that it was extremely predictable, and there was never any point in trying to improve anything or fight for a cause and everyone always had the perfect answer for you?

    Hi Ballistic,

    Maybe I have misunderstood the gist of your post, but I don't see the concept of perfection as being synonymous with predictable.

    IMO, to be able to play a musical instrument "perfectly" would be much more enjoyabe than to have to struggle to do so.To be able to be a perfect mom or grandma would make me a better (and happier) person. Being able to grow the perfect vegetables, or have the perfect flower garden in my front yard would make me ecstatic! I'm sure you see where I'm going with this.

    Being able to achive perfection in anything that we deem as worthwhile pursuits would be my idea of heaven!


  • whyamihere

    I try to be perfect.


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