G'day all,
So how's it been for you this week? Reading all the experiences this week has been a real cocktail of humor and tragedy, hasn't it? Not to forget all the "Tech problems"!!
There were good news stories too - at last jw83 is free of getting those assignments in on time - yes, she's finished her 4½ years of uni. Thank goodness that's over, eh!
OK, so now you Merry Cans have caught up with the rest of us at the weekend, let's think about a poll, eh?
This weekend's poll question is:
Why is there no hospitality after the meetings like they have in the churches?
1. It wastes "good witnessing time"!
2. Why have to spend more time with these people?
3. We can't afford to buy the teabags.
4. It's wrong to use congregation funds to buy tea, coffee and biscuits.
5. The elders don't want to oversee the 'arrangement'.
6. Sisters would have to serve tea under the direction of a brother - and we don't have any spare for trivialities.
7. What's hospitality?
8. What a waste of time!
9. What a waste of money!
10. It would interfere with the elders' meetings
11. It would interfere with the committee meetings.
12. We'd get crumbs in the carpet!
13. Who'd organise it?
14. Who'd prepare the schedule?
15. No-one wants to buy the milk.
16. One of the sisters reckons that its caffeine addictive and we don't want to stumble her.
17. We don't have an urn.
18. We don't have room for it.
19. We'll think of anything not to do it!
20. Other (please detail)
So there we are - 20 choices this week! Neat, eh?
So tell us what you think - and don't forget the shiraz!
Cheers, Ozzie (permanently upside-down class)
Freedom means not having to wear a tie.