Ozzie's Weekend Poll #137

by ozziepost 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    G'day all,

    So how's it been for you this week? Reading all the experiences this week has been a real cocktail of humor and tragedy, hasn't it? Not to forget all the "Tech problems"!!

    There were good news stories too - at last jw83 is free of getting those assignments in on time - yes, she's finished her 4½ years of uni. Thank goodness that's over, eh!

    OK, so now you Merry Cans have caught up with the rest of us at the weekend, let's think about a poll, eh?

    This weekend's poll question is:

    Why is there no hospitality after the meetings like they have in the churches?

    1. It wastes "good witnessing time"!

    2. Why have to spend more time with these people?

    3. We can't afford to buy the teabags.

    4. It's wrong to use congregation funds to buy tea, coffee and biscuits.

    5. The elders don't want to oversee the 'arrangement'.

    6. Sisters would have to serve tea under the direction of a brother - and we don't have any spare for trivialities.

    7. What's hospitality?

    8. What a waste of time!

    9. What a waste of money!

    10. It would interfere with the elders' meetings

    11. It would interfere with the committee meetings.

    12. We'd get crumbs in the carpet!

    13. Who'd organise it?

    14. Who'd prepare the schedule?

    15. No-one wants to buy the milk.

    16. One of the sisters reckons that its caffeine addictive and we don't want to stumble her.

    17. We don't have an urn.

    18. We don't have room for it.

    19. We'll think of anything not to do it!

    20. Other (please detail)

    So there we are - 20 choices this week! Neat, eh?

    So tell us what you think - and don't forget the shiraz!


    Cheers, Ozzie (permanently upside-down class)

    Freedom means not having to wear a tie.

  • purplesofa

    2. Why have to spend more time with these people?

    Thats what I would be thinking, BUT, who has time with all the other crud we were expected to do?

  • Satanus

    I'll try for 'other'.

    Because they are still waiting on jehovah for an answer about that. He seems to be 'out'.

    Because it would be fun.

    Because it could lead to loose conduct - you know. somebody gets too happy and next thing ya know, he's getting ideas about releasing some of that pent up energy.

    Btw, since you are upside down, down there, shouldn't your avatar be turned 180 degrees? I think so. But, that's from up here.


  • Gill

    Hi Ozzie! How's it hanging?!

    I would have to go with number 2 - We have to spend more time with these people!!!!!!

    But I also think that number 12 is bloody important - we'd get crumbs on the carpet! God knows it was hard enough to get anyone to go to hall cleaning in the first place. When you did, only a man, ie and elder was good, strong, brave, sensible, god assigned enough to handle the hoover. The sisters can only clean the piss and poo in the toilets. If crumbs go on a carpet, an Elder might have to handle the hoover.......again! Heaven forbid!!!!



  • La Capra
    La Capra


    Good question. After departing in 1987, I attended various services of multiple religions for lots of different reasons. Most had a "social hour" afterwards at which home-baked goodies (yippee-nearly always there is chocolate cake or brownies) and weak de-caf (for the old-timers) were served. Most facilities had a room or hall called the "the social hall" just for this purpose.

    I figured that the true reason why this does not occur at Kingdom Halls with the JWs goes a lot deeper than the reasons you suggest. The deeper reason is that this sort of socializing might make people come to meetings for the wrong reasons. These after-parties would take away from the true importance of the meetings, which is to be indoctrinated to do more to bring in more converts, who in turn bring in more converts....

    There has been, and always will be, a taboo on all the things that naturally bring joy to humans. Enjoying a nosh and a schmooze together is one of those things. There has been almost as much print space alotted to controlling "get-togethers" as there has been to discouraging secular goals. People might come to meetings for the wrong reason, to get a brownie or chocolate cake (let's face it, no one comes for the weak de-caf).

    This question hits to the essence of why the WTBTS does nothing to help non-JWs in need. They love their little phrase about not casting pearls before swine. They think non-JWs, or the "spiritually weak" JWs might just come for the goodies, thus elevating the nosh and schmooze higher than the meeting itself. If you don't offer anything but the religion, then you know their true motives for attending (to be brain-washed). If you don't offer, food, clothing, shelter to the needy, then you know they are coming to meetings for the "right reasons."

    What I think is missing from the JW religion is that value of social connection and pure charity-giving while knowing you will get absolutely nothing in return. It is not what the religion can do for you, but what you can do for the religion. Don't you think it is odd that most religions build their facilities with social rooms, kitchens, classrooms, outdoor gardens, etc. It fosters the notion that the "church" is a place for community, not just "religion." However, JW facilities are just parking lots, meeting rooms, lavatories and book stores. In fact, if people are not in their seats in the Kingdom Halls, there is usually very little room for them to mill around visiting in the aisles or in the back. (Ever notice that? The Halls are designed to discourage people from arriving early and lingering after...)

    So there you go. What I think.


  • Sunspot
    5. The elders don't want to oversee the 'arrangement'

    This would be MY guess. With all the fuss they are making these days about "supervised gatherings" an elder probably doesn't want to tackle another assignment!


  • Sunspot


    Another ;-----sheesh!

  • katiekitten

    Ozzie Id have to go for No 2.

    In Southampton they used to hire a whole swimming pool on sunday evenings and all witnoids in the area could come. I went once with my now exhubby, the pool was riddled with witnoids, and I remember thinking OHMYGOD this is what the new system is going to be like, and it made me feel ill, even though I was years away from leaving the dubs.

    It was my very first glimpse that maybe I didnt wanna be in paradise if all these jerks were going to be there too.

  • DannyBloem

    20. We actually always have tea, coffie and cakes.

    Maybe that is just because it is the only reason not to walk halfway the meeting

  • bebu

    Very funny poll answers, Ozzie. "What's hospitality?" made me lol.

    Shoshana, I wonder if you've really hit the nail on the head here... great post!


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