I type fast so here are some snippets (typing as I hear....not a transcript but good enough)
The Jackson boys shared beds well into their teens at the insistence of their father...
Michaels father....ruled with an iron fist
They called their father by his name, they called him Joe, or sometimes papa joe
His mother was Jehovahs Witness. JWs are prohibited from xmas, fathers day, easter, mothers day fathers day. He was indoctrinated at age 7.
Sex outside the marriage was forbidden. Disfellowshipped in JW terminology is death....
(Bill BOWEN is on this programme!he was the one saying those words just realised)
Biblical spanking can easily cross the line into physical abuse
Michael was physically abused by his father and it was very bad and traumatic.
Every time his dad Joe heard Michael sing he may have been reminded of his own failure.