Pros and cons please. Plenty of room for speculation!!!!!
Would the Governing Body use a "Worldly Consulting Agency"? CIA?
by frankiespeakin 16 Replies latest jw friends
Use them for what?
The CIA is not for hire for business corporations.
Hire a private investigator; sure.
But I can't see them spending the money when they have elders who have delusions of being PIs.
They used the UN, did'nt they?
I'm thinking that the CIA can use a consulting firm as merely a cover for counterintelligence.
We all know that the CIA does not always do things that are legal, they have at times assasinated people.
They used the UN, did'nt they?
yeah, they "used" the UN alright., under the guise of obtaining a library card! The UN didn't "assist" the WTS in covert action assignments..........did they?
It wouldn't surprise me a bit. They are both fascist. Reminds me of when rockefeller was running the cia, and also was high up in the govt. During the 60's and 70's, the cia used missionaries in the wycliffe bible translaters, also known as summer institute of linguistics in their pacification of cultures in the countries ecuador, peru, brazil and columbia. This is carefully documented in the 950 page book thy will be done the conquest of the amazon: nelson rockefeller and evangelism in the age of oil by gerald colby.
I would have thought it in the CIAs interest to infiltrate the society and not apostates like us
The CIA owns quite a few companies. Many are in the security and intel technology areas...but some are in mundane areas of work. It's easier to keep their finances a secret. The CIA's budget is secret from most congresspeople as well. Lot's of black ops, with black budget funding.
Only if the WTBTS wanted to know who Jesus really is and to find out where 'Da Judge' and the 'Pyramid Surveyor' have been and if it is really that hot down there.