I've related before that I have started studying with a superbrother from the local congo. In the knowledge book we came across this quote:
*** kl chap. 2 p. 14 The Book That Reveals the Knowledge of God ***Did you know that the Bible has a common thread from Genesis through Revelation? Yes, a harmonious theme permeates the Bible. What is that theme? It is the vindication of God’s right to rule mankind and the realization of his loving purpose by means of his Kingdom.
I questioned the need for God to be vindicated...to me this implies that God has something to prove, which to me is not compatible with the ideas of omnipotence and total soveriegnty. From the dictionary, vindicate means:
Vindicate v 1: show to be right by providing justification or proof; "vindicate a claim" [syn:
] 2: maintain, uphold, or defend; "vindicate the rights of the citizens" 3: clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with supporting proof; "You must vindicate yourself and fight this libel"
: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University
To this question, superbro went into a speech about how we'll learn about God's personality, how the devil got his goat (not exactly his words!) and how "vindication" ties in with the purpose of God's people.
It seems to me like the WTS has put their own spin on God, along with his "frustrations", his limitations, and his reliance on certain people to set things straight for him. All this to lay pressure and motivation on members. I mean, that's a pretty heavy burden to shoulder: "God's depending on us to vindicate his name". Any thoughts on all this? Is this a Biblical view of God and his purpose? What would this imply about God's power and authority?