The verdict is in! Michael Jackson is . . . . . . . . NOT GUILTY!

by nicolaou 138 Replies latest social current

  • nicolaou
    It has always been ok for adults to sleep with minor children

    Excuse me?!!

  • 144001

    Nicolao, Are you disagreeing on that point? Can you cite any legal authority to support your position?

  • nicolaou

    Legal authority my arse! Are you saying it would be "ok" for me to let my 11 year old child sleep with a 46 year old man? Get a grip man!

  • whyamihere


    I just have a few questions for you. I am not in anyway going to argue or try and start one...but....

    Would you sleep with your children's friends?

    Or sleep with a child that wasn't your own?

    In all honesty would you do that? Would you think it is right in doing that? Would you feel uncomfortable with doing that?

    If yes Why? If no Why?


  • Satanus

    He's probably one of those asexuals.


  • 144001


    With all due respect, what I would or wouldn't do is irrelevant to this thread.

    I'm certainly not advocating MJ's conduct (nor do I personally approve of it). In fact, I think charges ought to be considered against the accuser's parents for child endangerment for entrusting their kid to MJ's bed.

    But my personal opinions don't change the facts of this case. In the USA, we're innocent until proven guilty, and the burden of proving a defendant's guilt belongs to prosecutors. They failed miserably to carry that burden in the MJ case, and that's the end of the story.

  • 144001

    "Legal authority my arse! Are you saying it would be "ok" for me to let my 11 year old child sleep with a 46 year old man? Get a grip man!" -- Nicolao


    I'm not saying anything, you are the person who appears to be making the case that this is not legal. The burden is on you to provide the legal authority that supports your claim that this would be an illegal act. Everything is legal here unless proscribed by law.

  • jula71

    OK 144001, if sharing a bed with kids is "legal", where do we draw the line? Is it ok to look as long as they don't touch? All I know is as a parent, like Brooke, certain topics I get very touchy. This is one of them.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    If it wasn't for MJ high paid lawyers, he would have been hung out to dry. If the average person were to use the MJ defence from MJ own words "that it is only natural to sleep together", they would be found guilty with no questions. Technically you are right, there is nothing wrong with just sleeping with a minor child but in this day and age with all the freaks out there it is not acceptable behaviour.

    I also agree with you that the children's parents should be held accountable for allowing their child to sleep in MJ room but you are opening up another can worms. By saying they endangered their child is admitting that there was a lot more going on there than just innocent sleep overs.


  • 144001

    "OK 144001, if sharing a bed with kids is "legal", where do we draw the line? Is it ok to look as long as they don't touch?"

    We draw the line in the penal code. When someone violates its provisions, they've crossed that line, and we prosecute them.

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