Describe Your Personality

by minimus 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • jeanniebeanz
    And I snore.

    Just to clarify, ladies do *not* snore; we purr...


  • whyamihere

    Hadenuf..... You are a beautiful, funny, witty, sarcastic(good way) and Honest! That is your personality!

    Yes your older son likes you. He gets a kick out of the things you say. Mainly because he thinks the same but doesn't say a thing.


  • Thegoodgirl

    Quiet and "sweet" on the outside, deep thinker on the inside. A pushover. Curious, but lazy. Want everyone else to be happy, but I rarely am. Though if it will make others happy, then I'll pretend to be happy. Cry at sad stuff on TV, but too much of a pushover/people-pleaser to get out and do something about the injustices in the world.

    Am hoping I will build my strength with time and die truly as happy as I am on the outside.

  • JH

    I wrote:

    outgoing, charming, sweet, thoughtful, humorous, generous, loving, sexual,

    and available....

    and no one pm'd me yet....
  • minimus

    JH, people are afraid of rats.

  • Confession

    Highly extroverted, abstract thinker and communicator, a bit more friendly than tough-minded, and very much an unscheduled, prober--as opposed to a decisive on-schedule person. Myers-Briggs: Idealist Champion. Primary form of intelligence is Diplomacy, secondary is Strategy...not so great with Tactics or Logistics. I enjoy being enthusiastic, I seek identity, I aspire to be a Sage, I yearn for romance.

    Friends think I'm funny, easy to get along with, but probably analyze things too much and procrastinate with the best of them.

  • trevor

    The difficulty with this thread is that people are the last to see themselves as they really are. I believe that I have a fair idea of how I am but realize that beliefs not only can be, but usually are, erroneous.

    Reading through a number of posts on different threads, gives a fair idea of where people are coming from. Who has a temper, who enjoys arguing, who overestimates their intelligence, who is kind, deep, thoughtful , or a complete nutter.

    You notice I have avoided commenting on myself - this in itself gives a clue as to my secretive personality!

    Edited in search of personality.

  • kls
    Just to clarify, ladies do *not* snore; we purr...


    Oh Jeannie ,am i gonna use this one " Dear i am not snoring ,i am purring in my sleep and if ya roll me one more time i will claw your eyes out.

    Yup ,that auta work

  • DanTheMan

    I'm just no damn good.

  • prophecor

    Aggresively Flirtatious

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