Describe Your Personality

by minimus 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    I am highly ambitious, loving, good friend, husband, and dad.

  • misspeaches

    Shy at first then so loud people tend to forget I was ever shy. I try to be good to others but fall short way too many times. I love looking after my friends and boyfriend. They all call me the mummy of the group


  • tijkmo

    tall dark(in the he's a bit of a dark horse sense)and handsome....but also funny serious active passive shy outgoing predictably unpredictable and infuriatingly contradictory

  • GetBusyLiving

    I like to flick little kids in the ear and look away. I rush to the elevator in my apartment building and hit my floor number hurridly so the next people have to wait. Then i push all of the buttons and get off. I don't know what type of personality that is but it can't be good.


  • chrissy

    personable, optimistic, extrovert unless around over the top loud people... then I stay quiet... an abstract-relational thinker. notably...for some reason, since turning the big two seven, i ve been reverting back to childhood, very unapologetically. (immaturity: its the new growing up)

  • chrissy
    I like to flick little kids in the ear and look away. I rush to the elevator in my apartment building and hit my floor number hurridly so the next people have to wait. Then i push all of the buttons and get off. I don't know what type of personality that is but it can't be good

    HA!! lol. sounds like we're experiencing the same twenty something type of cognitive behavior. though I have not harassed any of the neighbor kids...yet.

  • Insomniac

    I like to think of myself as warm, gracious, tolerant, and kind. I try to make the world a better place through charity and volunteer work, to assuage a deep-seated guilt complex. I try to make the world a cleaner place, because germs frighten me. I tell myself these are signs of a strong character, and that I'm a good person. But here's how the people in my life see me:

    Mom says I'm the coldest person she's ever met, the only person she knows who has no emotions.

    My dub brother thinks I'm too wild, should get myself back to the k-hall and settle down. I haven't a clue what my perceived wildness involves, as I am always working or sitting at home reading.

    My worldly brother has often told me that I'm too uptight, and need to "get laid and get high." Actually, a lot of people tell me that. I agree about getting laid, but wouldn't want to risk the loss of self-control that drugs might bring.

    My friends think I worry too much. For the record, I squint a lot from poor eyesight, and my eyebrows are funny shaped, so I think I carry a falsely worried expression.

    My boyfriend says I obsess too much over little things, and magnify them unduly. Well, that is pretty much the definition of obsessive-compulsive disorder, which I have, so I think he's right.

    The students I used to tutor always said I was kind and diplomatic. Elderly folks I help out have used the word kind as well.

    My cat seems to think I'm a nice person. Then again, he thinks that of anybody who'll rub his tummy and feed him.

    All in all, I'm just a worrying, uptight woman who's trying to find a bit of calm in this world. Perhaps I'll be successful one day; in the meantime, I try to enjoy the journey. And although my fists are clenched tight and I can't say the words, my heart is flooded with love for my friends and family. I hope to be able to tell them all one day. Until then, I'm praying they will be able to tell that, under all these prickles, I too have a soft pink underbelly.

  • LouBelle

    Myself on myself:::::::: My core personality has stayed the same, but obviously as one grows up things impact on you more or life b*tchslaps you into shape. I'm a thinker though not a worrier & I don't like to give the impression of a thinker - I just don't want people to think I'm Lording it over them. If I'm not sure on something I'll ask instead of blurting about like a fool. I enjoy having fun! The child in me manifests itself in my daily life. I don't want to grow up! And I believe in faires *clap your hands everyone* I usually give out good / positive vibes. Pretty much stay away from negativity as I find it draining. I'm too honest for my own good & it gets me into trouble - I will not lie to please someone. I love giving (receivings cool too). Making people happy. I love people. I enjoy good debates.....and some other stuff that will remain secret......

  • purplesofa
    All i want out of life is world peace and a flat stomach

    These were my only two reasons for staying "IN" so long.

    selfish personality


  • zagor

    laid-back .... yeah, that describes it well.

    love humour, so whatever I say here don't take it seriously :)

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