I found a best book for asking question to JW. I this is a best book and every one must read this. It will give you some questions and reasoning by which you can fight with JW. And I know no JW have the answer of that question.
Best book for x-jw
by male30baroda 27 Replies latest watchtower bible
You have to tell us what the book is, or we won't be able to read it...
come on male30 - tell us which book it is... don't leave us hanging. That's just not manners!!!
mad max
Can you at least give us the number of words in the title? Number of syllables? Is it a book, film or tv program? (oh right, it's a book. He already told us that)
Damn, this is like a librarian prick tease. Im literally GAGGING for this book... Just show me the first page, I promise no tongues, just the first page...please hunny...
Heres my guess: Its a Christian book called "20 Questions You Should Ask a Jehovah's Witness", or something like that, I can't exactly remember the title.
Any friendly wagers?
(btw, what the f*ck was this guy thinking?)
How many vowels in each word?
Hubert (my 2 cents)
Oh, dear, the longer the answer takes, the more I think the answer's going to be "The Bible." Am I right? If I am, then I'm disappointed. Here's hoping it's a much less abused and misused book.
H e l l o Earth calling where r u ?