I am a lunch lady by day...and I am a private dancer at night! kidding
Well Mom of 2....Lily 3 and Jack 1 1/2! I do all the cooking cleaning laundry...and I love it. My dream job is to do Laundry all day. I don't know why I love it but I do. If I could be in a Laundry Mat all day doing peoples laundry I would never leave .....I know I am crazy!
I have weird habits...I talk to my self all day. I have numbers going through my head I can't stop them. I don't know why I do that but I have to add multiply divide and subtract all day to find the common number...It is really weird I do it with letters as well. My head hurts because of it.
I am a lover a SHEETS! I can't get enough of sheets. I buy all the same style and color. I just need to have alot of sheets. Its like having alot of shoes!
I love the Color RED! I go nuts for it. Anything and everything red. I shake when I see something really pretty and red. I almost have a nervous break down. Trust me I am fun to shop with.
I can never sit down and relax.... I fidget! I have to keep moving. This is funny if I am sitting down doing nothing for awhile and really bored I start clapping! I have way too much energy!
I love Art. I love doing sculpture. I am quite good at it. I am sure when my house gets done I will have my own room to do art. I love doing the flower work for weddings. I have done a few and I was told it was very lovely. I guess you can just show me a picture of what you want and I can throw it together in a few minutes.
I am weird crazy out going witty and I make people laugh all the time. I say the things you only wished you thought of or said out loud!