I understand from a jw who visited me a few weeks ago that jws have a `busy schedule'
Presumely studying the literature etc.
Anyone wish to elaborate
by badboy 19 Replies latest jw friends
I understand from a jw who visited me a few weeks ago that jws have a `busy schedule'
Presumely studying the literature etc.
Anyone wish to elaborate
They published a suggested weekly schedule recently, I think in the KM. Pretty much every minute was taken up by school/work, meetings, studying, or FS.
Here was my average week as a good godfearing JW as best as I can remember
Sunday: 10 -12 Public Talk & Watchtower study at kingdom hall
Sunday: 2-4pm Door knocking
Sunday night 4 - 9: squeeze in homework between some family time
Monday: 7-7.30: Family discussion of the daily text (repeat every day)
Monday after school: Family study of youth book or similar - at least 1.5 hours
Tuesday 4 -6 private study opreparation for Tuesday night book study = at least 2 hours
Tuesday 7 - 8.30 - book study at a persons home
Wednesday 6-10: preparing for thursday night meeting - bible reading
Thursday 7-9.30: Theocratic Ministry School and Service Meeting at the K Hall
Friday 6.30pm to 9: Door knocking
Saturday 8.30 am to 11.30 door knocking
Saturday afternoon: preparing the watchtower study
Saturday night: associate with a witness family
So yes you could say JWs have very little time indeed. When I look back I can;t believe I did all that for 16 whole years with very few breaks in that schedule.
Secular work
Housework/men's work around the house/school homework for the kids (every weekday)
Pre-study for the book study on Tuesday
Some JW families have their family study on Monday nights like they do at Bethel
Weekday schedule
Book study (7:30); including travel time 7-9 pm;
Pre-study for Thursday ministry school and parts on SM especially Q/A
Some JWs meet for field service on Wednesday evenings
7-10 (minimum) 2 meetings
Prepare presentations and bookbags for Saturday morning
Saturday morning
9-12 Travel, ministry
Saturday afternoon
yard work, work on car, etc.
Prepare for WT study
WT study (9-12)
Some JWs go out for 1 hour in ministry after meeting
This does not count getting dressed and groomed for the meetings.
Of course JWs don't do all these things
Blondie - I used to do all these things! And going out on the service after the Sunday meeting was mandatory where I came from.
Cult mind control at its very best....keep em busy through guilt and fear and they will be too busy to realise WTF is going on underneath their noses.
And going out on the service after the Sunday meeting was mandatory where I came from.
Not around here; never has been. Sometimes even the elder assigned to take out the group doesn't show up. The CO doesn't even go out then any more (nor Wednesday evening).
I have known of congregations that don't even have individual meetings for service on Saturday morning; all the BS groups show up at the KH and the elders take turns taking the group out. That way the elders could go skiing or some other recreational day trip. Now that would not have happened in the congregations in this area. Elder bodies really set the tone don't they?
you'd think someone at hq would wise up to this wouldnt you a large percentage of posters here were sincere daily bible reading regular study never miss a meeting even on holiday go out in fs at irregular times in order to catch people in jws...as was i and now they are not surely at the conventions they should be recommending less less less bigger chance of staying i woulda thought |
Sheesh, Crumpet! I would have had a breakdown long before I did if I'd been as good a dub as you! I'm exhausted just reading that. My excuse is that I was a single mom so had to do all the family/around the house stuff myself.
Combatting Cult Mind Control : The #1 Best-selling Guide to Protection, Rescue, and Recovery from Destructive Cults
by Steven Hassan
ISBN: 0892813113 (Available at Amazon.com)
Behavior Control
Most groups have a stringent schedule for members. There is always something to do in these groups. It has its own distinctive set of behaviours that bind it together.
KM 1/95 "Always Plenty To Do""We must prepare for and attend weekly congregation meetings. We are encouraged not to let a week go by without having some share in the field ministry. Sufficient time must be regularly set aside for personal and family Bible study. Elders and ministerial servants have many congregation assignments. At times we are asked to help worthy ones in need. 2 Occasionally, some of us may feel overwhelmed by all that we have to do. Yet, the busiest people can be among the happiest if balance and proper perspective are maintained. […]6 There is an added benefit in having plenty to do. When we are busy pursuing a healthy spiritual routine, time seems to go by much faster. Realizing that each day that passes brings us closer to the new world, we gladly accept the full life we enjoy now. We also realize the wisdom of staying busy, inasmuch as we have less time to get involved in futile worldly pursuits."
w94 9/1 p 13 Despite Being Made of Dust, Push Ahead!"20 Now, during the concluding years of Satan’s world system, is not the time to slow down—not as far as Kingdom preaching is concerned and not as far as developing more fully the fruitage of God’s spirit is concerned. In both areas we have “plenty to do.” Now is the time to push ahead because we know our “labor is not in vain.” (1 Corinthians 15:58) Jehovah will sustain us, for of him David said: “Never will he allow the righteous one to totter.” (Psalm 55:22) What a joy to know that Jehovah is permitting us personally to share in the grandest work imperfect human creatures have ever been assigned to do—and this despite our being made of dust!"
Watchtower July 1, 1943 pages 204-6
"Righteous Requirements""The territory now being covered one to two times in six months could very easily be covered four to six times in the same period if everyone took his Kingdom responsibilities seriously."