ah but they're not the only ones!
Posters on JWD have a busy schedule!
by badboy 19 Replies latest jw friends
ah but they're not the only ones!
Posters on JWD have a busy schedule!
the BS groups
Every day you are expected to read the days text - to start your day off well and take comfort knowing that 6 million of your brother & sisters were doing the same. On a monday night I'd go and prepare the watchtower with a witness family, tuesday we bookstudy night, wednesday was field service night (not all the time) thursday was theocratic meeting. saturday morning field service, sunday morning 7am-8am fieldies before the meeting, meeting & fieldies afterwards. Plus my normal job from 8-5 during the week.
Blondie - I was really interested to hear that it sounds like the R&F are winding down in ministry activity. Only illness was an ever an excuse for missing the service on a Sunday morning. We usually could go out Friday night instead of SAturday morning but were encouraged to do both.
Tij - what an excellent point. Maybe if they had to do less more would stay!
Yet, the busiest people can be among the happiest if balance and proper perspective are maintained
This is from I think I see's quote from the KM. Makes me laugh - the last thing they want you to is be balanced - balance would mean being involved in theocratic activity for only 10% of your waking week not every spare minute not occupied by sleeping, eating or working/going to school. a "proper perspective" is only achieved after you leave.
I am so glad I don't have to do that anymore!
Blondie - I was really interested to hear that it sounds like the R&F are winding down in ministry activity. Only illness was an ever an excuse for missing the service on a Sunday morning. We usually could go out Friday night instead of SAturday morning but were encouraged to do both.
Tij - what an excellent point. Maybe if they had to do less more would stay!
Yet, the busiest people can be among the happiest if balance and proper perspective are maintained
This is from I think I see's quote from the KM. Makes me laugh - the last thing they want you to is be balanced - balance would mean being involved in theocratic activity for only 10% of your waking week not every spare minute not occupied by sleeping, eating or working/going to school. a "proper perspective" is only achieved after you leave.
I am so glad I don't have to do that anymore!
Loubelle, reading the day's text; how that brings back memories, but not the ones you might think. I can remember the CO trying to find a family that actually did read the day's text each morning that was in good standing, preferably an elder's family. No go though. At least the families were honest about it, that they didn't do it although having good intentions. Finally, he crafted a fake family of an elder and wife with no children and "borrowed" 2 children from another family and presented them to the district as a real JW family who read the day's text together. This is where I think they cover ther a** and call it a reinactment. It sure was a surprise for the congregation to see that Brother and Sister Childless had suddenly adopted children from the NiceButShakySpiritually family.
Yes, Crumpet, Sunday afternoon service has been slipping for many years. They still schedule it with the theory that the chairman would make any arrangements. Well, the chairmans would sometimes meet with the group (1 person), finally skipping that foolishness. Without the clear lead of the elder body, the rank and file either made their own arrangements behind the scenes or just stopped going out. The final nail in the "coffin" was when the COs started announcing that they would not be going out evenings or after the Sunday meeting.
And even when you go on your yearly vacations for two or three weeks you can't forget jehovah lest you become weak without your daily food and association with the brotherhood and the devil takes advantage of that and ruins your salvation prospects.
Make sure you seek out the local kh, and do some preaching to your fellow tourists at the hotel, the restaurant, or the beach, always carry some watchtowers with you.
Finally make sure you are not there for holiday romances the three s, sun, sea, and (non marital) sex.
It depends... if you want to be considered a "good" JW brother then your schedule is something like this (excluding secular work and for an elder):
Monday: Family study, preperation for TMS and Service Mtg on Tuesday, or possibly a shepherding call, work on part that you have for the next days meeting.
Tuesday: TMS and Service Mtg, possible and likely elders meeting that keeps you out after 10PM
Wednesday: Shepherding call, committee case, when you get home prep for the Bookstudy because you also conduct that, must factor in possible phone call from PO to complain about other elders or publishers
Thursday: Bookstudy, expected association afterwards, listening to sister "I am not doing well.. so depressed" in the parking lot for an additional 30 min.
Friday: If you are lucky you might have this free, if you are an elder than likely its a shepherding call. Either way you have to "prepare the family" for Saturday service
Saturday: morning field service, then necessary housework, shopping, etc. Also if you can fit recreation then it goes here as well.
Sunday: morning meeting, then if you want to appear that you are zealous, field service right after. Evening so tired that you basically finish your leftover housework and go to bed to look forward to repeating this cycle all over again the next day.
Thats about it... remember you also have to find time with all that for personal study, spending time with your wife and kids if you have them, kingdom hall workdays, quarterly elders meetings, and using the bathroom.
This schedule is typical for a full time working elder 35-40 hrs a wk at his job from 9-5 every weekday. We wonder why elder so and so always looks pissed off and tired at the meetings or "doesnt care enough" to visit me.... Its all a sham, this cult sucks!
Blondie - I was included in many of those reinactments at the hall - as if the whole family wakes up in a pleasant mood and read it before their coffee fix, toilet, and breakfast. And then everyone comments & lo and behold our "family" even looked up the referenced what-tower?