Whether you are a Witness or a Muslim, a believer in democracy or theocracy, a liberal or a conservative-----does it ultimately matter???
Does What You Believe In REALLY Matter All That Much???
by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, I think it does.
[of the short answer class] -
I think it matters if it affects other people. Otherwise, not really. Whatever gets you up in the morning.
If you are a rational and honest person, your actions will follow from your beliefs. If your beliefs are wrong, actions based on those beliefs will most likely be wrong and may be dangerous. This is why people shun their families, let children bleed to death and fly aeroplanes into skyscrapers.
So yes, it does matter what you believe.
We all believe in something, even unbelief becomes a belief to some.
To others, posting endless questions is believable too!
I think it matters. Our beliefs determine how we view the world and ultimately how we interact with our environment. This may be at a subconscious level, leaving some to think that their beliefs don't affect others.
I wonder whether or not what you believe matters all that much. Ultimately, will "God" judge you for your choices or beliefs due to heritage?
Probably the one belief that matters most is that you are your beliefs. If you think of yourself as a believer of JWs (perhaps one that is only studying) rather than simply being a JW, that is very different. When you identify with those beliefs it becomes a rigid structure, and you will try to preserve that identity rather than simply viewing them as beliefs. But if you just view it as things you believe in, you are open to revisions and will not hang on to it so tightly.
I like to reframe questions like this.
For example:
Does it matter what software you run on your computer?
When you put it like that; it becomes a little easier to consider.
Our brain processes things through a kind of "filter" for ___meaning__and __significance__and__priority.
And there, dear ones, is where the trouble begins.
If you think that snake you just stepped on is a stick (and it bites you) your misperception can cost something you might not want to pay.
Recently we went on vacation to Corpus Christi, Texas. There was the Gulf of Mexico to swim in. I asked about sharks and was told "Sharks don't come here."
On our last day I noticed a guy who had been fishing (standing in water up to his waist) hauling in something large. Yes, it WAS a shark!
Belief is a real son of a bitch.
I think it matters in as much it affects our well being and that of the people we come in contact with.
Religion in general either over exaggerates the dangers we face, making us neurotic - or lulls us into a false sense of security, making us vulnerable.
So I believe our aim should be to be as in touch with the reality of our true situation as it is possible to be. Anything that threatens to distort our awareness should be treated with extreme caution.
Of course Jehovah’s Witnesses use this argument to point out the danger we are in but not aware of due to the idea that Satan has blinded the minds of the unbelievers.
The only way out of this puzzle is to reject anything that is not provable.
Terry - you must be getting to me with your logical posts!