My wifes study partner sent her a poem today. I thought I would share it. My wife has been skipping meetings and not been doing much studying lately. Enjoy. This is a poem someone sent me: (thought i'd share it....) If you knew Jehovah's Day would come tomorrow (Thanks Dennis) The time is short What will I do? I'll study my Watchtower, My Kingdom Ministry, too. Prepare for the book study, Read all the scriptures. Make some notations, Even study the pictures! Then suddenly you're zealous, And also quite nervous, And remember how often, You neglected the service. Where is my Bible? Where are my books? Give me my bag, I forgot how it looks! And, oh, so important, Since there's only one day, I must not forget, To incessantly pray. Meetings!! Meetings!! That's where I must go. Forget about play, It's not important, you know. Jehovah's Day is now here, And it did not delay. I wasted my time Much work and much play. His day is now here. He sits on His throne, In righteousness judges, To uprightness prone. How often I told you, The Kingdom to seek, And always be steadfast, Thus avoid getting weak. So here is your judgment, With regret I do say, Your record is written, and this is my Day. Your Bible is dusty, Your recreation was first, For spiritual knowledge, You seldom would thirst. You neglected your service, And meetings forsook, Your prayers were not often, You're not in my book!!!
new poem
by gringojj 11 Replies latest jw friends
gag is right
I remember one read at conventions in the '80s that was similar. It was along the lines of a person facing Jesus at Armageddon and asking his jw friend why he never shared the "truth" with him.....another example of how they don't truly believe "innocent" people who didn't have an opportunity to "learn the truth" are going to be spared.
Sickening Lies of the WT cult
I hope that was a joke.
Don't worry about posting the other poem. I haven't eaten lunch yet.
That wasnt a joke buddy.
Ain't he a loving god? And what a bunch of loving followers.
I remember that kind of stuff well
Guilt or love?
I think I'll pass on more of the JW experience and enjoy "love", thanks!!
No more out on the misery
I'm sitting at home, relating to friends,
Typing away and making amends,
For all of the years supporting a cult,
Hoping reduction of that great insult.
The weather is fine, I'll go for a walk,
Out on a beach, not preparing a talk,
Neither to knock on a stranger's door,
I ate my fill when I did that before.
Enjoying a life watching creation,
Helping a neighbour, their daughter or son,
Giving assistance to any that need,
Even those in far countries, wanting a feed.
I'm not guaranteed even a day,
So you'd best believe I'm making it pay.
Enjoying this life and having some fun,
Love, spirit, truth, instead of "the done".
Oh what a change from the days long gone past,
Trolling the streets, and not all that fast.
Love God, neighbour, self and rightly behave,
Awaiting the words "well done faithful slave". LT - 2005