Honestly, do you think that JW's really like going to 3 or 4day assemblies?

by JH 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • katiekitten

    My Uncle Mike has a great story about attending an assembly in Scotland, in 1973 I think. They camped (quite a lot of witnesses I knew camped - were all piss poor over here - ive no idea what these 'hotel' things are you keep talking about. And by 'pool' I assume you mean a puddle made by the rain?)

    So anyway the weather was shite - like its supposed to be over here, and in the middle of the night there is a godawful tent collapsing storm. Uncle Mike says he spent the WHOLE night holding up the central tent pole, then had to attend the sessions all the next day. Ahh happy days.

    I never pulled at an assembly, so I thought they were rubbish. I did watch somebodys dog run into the middle of the Southampton Football Club pitch once (when it used to be at St Marys) and do a quivering crap. LMAO. It was great.

  • JH
    I did watch somebodys dog

    ...talking about animals...I remember so many witnesses leaving for 3 or 4 days, and leaving their poor animals all alone with some food and water for all that time. After 3 days, the water wasn't good anymore...

    Often it was in the heat of the summer, with the windows closed, and no one to take care of the animals.

  • GetBusyLiving

    Kitty, what does "pulled" mean?


  • iggy_the_fish

    GBL - she means she never got no action, nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more

    She were a very naughty little dubbette, I'm thinking.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    You know JH - I went to dozens of them - sometimes two in the same year. They were all the same to me. As a witness I put on the 'Theocratic face' of convention happiness, like all the rest. I guess for most of my time in the org I thought that Jehovah really was training us and I tried to pay close attention. But I noticed most did not - and I think secretly I didn't want to be there either.

    Funny what the guilt-trip will make you do against your own common sense!


  • Panda

    I remember the first time I decided to stay in our hotel room --- wow I felt great and when the guilt didn't happen I began to think YES maybe there wasn't anyone home to pitch lightening bolts!

  • diamondblue1974

    Apparently they like going to these three day assemblies to receive a bollocking.

    I was talking to my mother the other night and she was talking about the Godly Obedience convention and get this....with pride in her voice she confirmed that hers was the most 'counselled' religious group according to other religions...and she seemed surprised when I asked her whether that was a good thing or a bad thing. How brainwashed?

    Massively uproot your life and living for three days, take an unpaid day off or even worse a paid holiday, attend a convention...get a bollocking....enjoy it....

    Yeah right...


  • luna2

    I'd imagine some would say they liked assemblies, but if they were being honest, what they probably like is the social aspects surrounding them, not the actual event itself.

    Hard to like sitting on hard, cramped seats listening to stuff you've heard endless times before (unless you're a new dub), trying to keep your kids from fighting or crying or throwin' spit balls, pinching yourself to stay awake, and counting the minutes til lunch break. Okay, I did sort of like the dramas...kind of like I enjoyed science films in grade school. They were a welcome break in the monotony.

  • katiekitten

    GBL - pulled as in 'get yer coat, your pulled'. It means attract a member of the opposite sex (or same sex if you work in Bethel)

    Ig - trouble was I wasnt a naughty little dubster. I just wanted to be naughty, but no-one wanted to be naughty with me.

    Where my sister lives they say 'cop off'. As in 'did you cop off' (not neccessarily have sex). Or 'get off'. I can only imagine cop is a derivative of copulate. Which would indicate full sex. But it doesnt have to.

    See how I am driven to intellectualise things I dont get to participate in!!

  • 144001

    For me, assemblies were the ultimate torture. I used to anticipate district assemblies like a condemned man anticipating his execution. I hated every moment that I was forced to sit in the severe heat (at Dodger Stadium, frequently over 100 degrees in the summer months) listening to the Watchtower spew its message of intolerance from the platform like diarrhea from an over-sized anus. I hated the disgusting food and Shasta sodas. I hated the multitudes of drones adorned in their finest polyester. But I especially hated observing the beatings of children that were commonplace at district assemblies as a result of the Watchtower's encouragement and facilitation of such abuse.

    I remember how happy I always felt when the district assembly was over. "Thank god I won't have to come back here again until next year."

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