Logical that is so bad what they did to you in the Kingdom Hall. At one time I wouldn't have believed it but because of an incident that happened to my ex husband in Montreal in the KH there was a young man that suffered mental problems. On occasions he would make strange noises or body jerking and sometimes spoke aloud, so the elders told my then husband to escort this person from the KH. My ex was a MS. so he proceeded to do as the elders instructed him to do and took this mans hand and literally took outside of the KH closed and locked the door so he couldn't re enter.
I thought to my self that was a terrible thing to do. In a few days after this incidence the police came to our door and asked from my husband and I invited the officer in and asked him why he wanted to see him. The officer said that so and so has pressed charges against your husband for he apperantly bodily removed him from the KH and he claims that your husband hit him hard in the head. Well john wasnt'' home at the time and I told the policeman that he be home later that night. He also said to have John call him when he got in. So when john got home I told him that police were here to arrest you for hurting so and so the other day at the Kingdom Hall
This case went to trial, Glen Howe lawyer extrodinaire was called to come to montreal to defiend my husband. Glen Howe was such an arrogant man, and he yelled at my husband to shut up he didn't want to know from him the detail s as the elders told him what had happened . He told John just to show up at court and say nothing and I mean nothing. That is how rude Glen was. Well Howe won the case hands down as the person who charged John never showed up to court and so the case was thrown out. Can you believe it..?? What a boo hoo wasted trip from Glen in Toronto to come to Montreal to be humiliated by this young man. Ah he never had a chance to defend the witness my ex at all and gee all that preperation when down the toilet.
So in that sense Logi I see what you mean and it is true, it is disgusting that anyone should be removed from the hall because of illness unless of course the person is infected with a high fever and /or contagious. . Then logic tells you don't go to the meeting.
Dutchy Elle, thanks for sharing the info from the KM and welcome to JWD.
You know nothing suprises me anymore about the witnesses.
For shame on elders who treat witnesses as second hand citizens or inept or what ever else.