... and confess to them that you have being willfully going against the directions of the Faithful and Discrete Slave by visiting evil apostate websites like this.
Perhaps they will lovingly extend to you Discipline That Can Yield Peaceable Fruit.
by Elsewhere 11 Replies latest jw friends
... and confess to them that you have being willfully going against the directions of the Faithful and Discrete Slave by visiting evil apostate websites like this.
Perhaps they will lovingly extend to you Discipline That Can Yield Peaceable Fruit.
Thank you Elsewhere - I feel that this is indeed food at the proper time for Dennis.
Well, it's a nice offer, Else, but don't hold your breath! I've many times advised scholar to do the same thing, in fact I offered to go with him to the elders, but there's never ever been a response!
'Course what we shouldn't forget that anyone appearing on JWD is potentially a seeker for the real truth about "the Troof".
If it were a choice, i'd say they've come to the right place and I'd rather they stay.
Cheers, Ozzie (permanently upside-down class)
Here Here, Elsewhere. Yes, what a loving provision from Jehovah, this discipline can be.
This troll has really got to go.
Does anyone else think that dennis is our old buddy A friend in need with a new name?
The WTS talks in that article about people who were guilty of wrongdoing. The question is how do they define wrongdoing. It is often very arbitrary, whimsical, and calculated to promote their own selfish interests. And what is wrongdoing today may be correct tomorrow without any apologies for those that had to suffer sanctions due to a wrong concept of wrongdoing.
Better yet, stick around here and try to fade off their poztate scopes.
Come now Dennis, you should not fear the elders! They are there to shepherd you in love and kindness.
They are there to shepherd you in love and kindness.
That's right, Dennis!
This one's for you: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/92812/1.ashx
Dennis, even though you want me to go to jail, I love you, and I really think that you should humbely go to the elders to gain direction for your soul. They are tender and merciful and are great on toast.