***The WTS talks in that article about people who were guilty of wrongdoing. The question is how do they define wrongdoing. It is often very arbitrary, whimsical, and calculated to promote their own selfish interests. And what is wrongdoing today may be correct tomorrow without any apologies for those that had to suffer sanctions due to a wrong concept of wrongdoing.
Excellent observation!!! How true!
***Dennis, even though you want me to go to jail, I love you, and I really think that you should humbely go to the elders to gain direction for your soul. They are tender and merciful and are great on toast.
Sourdough perhaps?
***confess to them that you have being willfully going against the directions of the Faithful and Discrete Slave by visiting evil apostate websites like this.
I have YET to hear a JW give an excuse as to why they are here despite ALL the warnings they've been given! You got some splainin to do Dennis!
***Come now Dennis, you should not fear the elders! They are there to shepherd you in love and kindness.
Of COURSE they are.............