Hi Brother Maximus:
Does anyone remember the elders' meeting with the district overseer who read a MS in which they were told to respond to subpoenas? Nothing would be found in the files, however! Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
No, afraid I don't "remember." What was the instruction? What does "MS" represent in this context?
One DO tells me he read it loyally, asked to make sure everyone got it, but he saw the stricken faces of some who realized that moral fiber had just weakened.
What do you mean, please, by this?
Others were caught up in war strategy.
Sorry, but, this one escapes me, too. What is meant by this?
He has been troubled since that day onward.
Troubled in what way, by what exactly?
Wonder how the public will feel about this attitude? And the courts? Maybe not all copies were destroyed ...
Maximus, what do you mean by this? I don't wish to offend but I don't often clearly understand your posts. They seem weighty and full of import, but as I have never been an "insider" ---of the disqualified genitalia class, I'm afraid---I am often left at sea trying to decipher your hazy allusions.
No offense intended, just hoping to benefit from what you and others seem to have to offer here. It is why we come, no?