Whose famous autograph do you have in your possession...

by TresHappy 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • TresHappy

    I have Barry Williams, Susan Olsen, Ann B Davis and Maureen McCormick from the Brady Bunch...

    I actually stood in line for 4 hours to get Shirley Temple's autograph. I read somewhere she doesn't sign anymore because of all the autograph sellers on the Internet.

    I even have Little Ricky's autograph from I Love Lucy.

  • sf

    Gregg Allman



  • sf

    Oh yea. And John Travolta.

  • 4JWY
    I actually stood in line for 4 hours to get Shirley Temple's autograph. I read somewhere she doesn't sign anymore because of all the autograph sellers on the Internet.


    A repressed memory springs up......

    When I was a young girl in the 60's, I was in a Shirley Temple fan club, and I would receive autographed 8 x10, black & white glossy photos of her, in the mail, shots from her different movies and had quite a collection. Although it was "idolizing" someone..... my mom had allowed me to have them, (she liked her too), but....at a point in time, the axe came down, and they were tossed in the garbage.

  • littlerockguy

    I have sissy spacek's autograph on a photo of her posing in her famous Carrie role

  • FlyingHighNow


    "I'm no angelllllllllllllll...............let me show you my tattoos. "

  • kwintestal

    I have one from, "Your Brothers, The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society" and another from Robert Munch.


  • notperfectyet


    ROFL at the " your brothers" autograph.

    I have one of Tom Selleck, I met him on a set in Hawaii when he was filming Magnum PI, (sigh and swoon) What a nice guy!

    Billy Joel, Little River Band..a few others, but no one beats Tom!

  • free2beme

    Mine, I am the most famous person I know, no matter where I go there are always pictures of me. I stepped into the bathroom and sure enough, a mirror with me in it, I looked in the rear view mirror of my car and again "me!" and then I got a bunch of fan mail looking for responses from me from the power company, the phone company and even several offers from citibank and magazines. So I must be famous with this much attention!

  • TresHappy

    I have met some famous people; but never had enough nerve to ask for their autograph. With Shirley Temple coming to town in 1988, I was going to get it; come hell or high water. I told my boss I had to go to the doctor. I even faked hacking and coughing so I really could convince the office I was sick. I would rub my temples (bad joke) which cause me to sneeze so they finally believed me!

    ROFL also to Your Brothers...

    Shirley now...

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