Beating the Watchtower

by joelbear 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    In my opinion, the best way by far to beat the Watchtower is to:

    Live your life to the fullest.

    Follow your bliss.

    Enjoy every day.

    Help others to enjoy their days.

    Be kind to yourself.

    Be empathetic to the problems and needs of others.

  • OldSoul


    Add to that, treat them as they will not treat you.

  • mouthy

    In my opinion, the best way by far to beat the Watchtower is to:

    Live your life to the fullest.

    Follow your bliss.

    Enjoy every day.

    Help others to enjoy their days.

    Be kind to yourself.

    Be empathetic to the problems and needs of others.


  • rebel8
    Be kind to yourself.

    I really hate that saying....why? Because my jw mother used to say that to me as a kid each time I wanted to rest or sleep in late. According to her, Satan whispers that saying in your ear to get you to be lazy. That saying reminds me of being called lazy.

    [I was vindicated yrs later when a medical professional told her I was justifiably tired because of my chronic bleeding problems, untreated because she feared doctors.]

  • DannyHaszard

    Well living IS the best revenge.

    I just bought a brand new customized SUV my first new car.I bought it with 'jehovers money'.

    All the years as a young buck making +$50K a year donating all my money to the never to be repeated watchtower work.i only drove shitboxes.

    I also spend over a $1,000.00 month now out of my own pocket on my anti watchtower operations.

    I put my money where my mouth is.I WILL MAKE the WT pay me back all the money they extorted from me and my family.


    Daniel Haszard Bangor Maine in their face in cyberspace

  • LouBelle

    or you could just stand on a whole pile of them and jump up and down on them. reminds me: any advise how to get someones literature back to them now that I'm an apostate.

  • ezekiel3

    We all have our ways. There are two "Watchtowers" to beat.

    1. The programmed out-stinct in our minds.
    2. The predatory organizations in our world.

    Very different prescriptions for each.

  • frankiespeakin

    You don't beat the WT by just living a good life. You beat them by doing what you reasonably can to expose them.

    Living a good life is important, but if you just fade away and try to forget about what they did too you. You play right into thier hands, to beat them calls for more action then that.

    The WT would be so happy if we just did nothing to expose them, and if everybody just did nothing the WT would be growing much bigger. It is the efforts of people like us that are beating the WT not the ones that just leave and do nothing.

  • frankiespeakin

    You never will beat the WT, by just doing nothing to expose them, thankfully thier are more people that do something positive to make sure they get the bad publicity they deserve, and warn other about this evil cult.

  • TooOpinionated

    I totally agree, frankiespeakin.

    My husband is the type to just never speak about it again. Slink away, and let them get away with it, and subsequently the WTBS is allowed to ruin other unsuspecting people. I tell him if he does that, then he is an enabler, the same thing I accused our elders of in child molestation and their 2 witness rule. He is allowing this to happen to others when he is silent.

    I, on the hand, want to live a good life, but will always be exposing the cult in every which way I can. He still has alot of deprogramming to do when it comes to not questioning "authority". I tell him that they have won if you don't let people know what they really are. There is room to live a good live AND expose the cult.

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