Song 206
10min: Local announcements. Review key points from the July 2003 Our Kingdom Ministry, page 4. Explain how publishers can obtain literature in a foreign language. Discuss how this information applies to the local territory. Any request for foreign-language items should be made through the literature servant, even if it is for just a single item, so that the needed literature can be obtained without unnecessary delay.
15 min: God's Word Exerts Power. (Heb. 4:12) Talk based on the November 15, 2003, Watchtower, page 11, paragraphs 13-17. Relate experiences showing how bible instruction can move people to make changes in their way of life. (w00 1/1 pp. 3-5) Encourage all to make good use of the Bible in all features of the ministry.
20min: "Conducting Progressive Bible Studies - Part 10."* Include a demonstration showing a practice session in progress. As the student rehearses a presentation, the conductor, who is playing the role of the householder, gives a common objection and, when the student is unsure of what to say, explains how it might be handled. In addition, arrange in advance for one or two to comment on the training they received when they began sharing in the house-to-house ministry.
Song 208 and concluding prayer.
March 2005 Service Report (U.S. only)
total publishers: 992,732 baptized: 2,056
avg. hours for pubs: 9.4
Avg. mags for pubs: 8.2
avg r.v. for pubs: 3.6
avg. b.s. for pubs: .3