Lets work up some good ideas that we can pass on to Bethel workers, COs, DOs, Elders etc... can use to help them to start to find others in the org that know it's not the truth but are stuck inside for various reasons. Lets come up with some way of testing people to so as not to blow ones cover and remain hidden.
Plans of espionage that could cause a major blow to the organization from those trapped inside, things like how CO can give talks to really discourge the friends and cause them to doubt the organization, all the while it looks like he's are doing what the organization wants him to do. Dopping hints but making it look perfectly innocent.
Think outside the box, and don't be afraid if some one thinks your idea won't work, thow it out in cyber space anyway, it could be a bad idea initially but with some else reading it and making a few changes it may be the very kernal of a wonderfull plan. PS talks like the ones Garret Leosch (GB) gave might help many to see the GB as unreasonable old fools. Which makes me wonder if he's a double agent pretending to be a sincere GB.