I don't know about secret signs but finnrott's avatar has made me useless for the rest of the day.
Idea on How Defectors Inside theOrganization Can Find Each Other (espionage
by frankiespeakin 60 Replies latest jw friends
Ok ok ok I got one.
What if brothers wore their tie with the little flappy end hanging out past the big regular part. Make sense?
It might look a little unkempt, but could easily be an accident or planned. bwhahahahahahhahaha.
I haven't figured one out for sisters yet. Perhaps wearing only one earring. You know, they didn't notice that the other one fell out or something.
If you see a brother with the little end of his tie sticking out you could say something like "well, it looks like your little thingy is hanging out." He would respond with "yes, I'm LISTENING to you. I'll fix it later."
I make a motion that we accept Listener's Tie as a mark. Any following comment that infers knowledge of this board would confirm. Mismatched socks could also work for those who do not have wives.
Anyone second that?
That's me in the avatar listener. You likey?
-fin -
I guess we could put finnrot in a tie - but both ends would need to be real short.
If you see a brother with the little end of his tie sticking out you could say something like "well, it looks like your little thingy is hanging out." He would respond with "yes, I'm LISTENING to you. I'll fix it later."
To which the other brother could respond back: "well mother doesn't like it when our little thingy is hanging out, she would prefer that our little thingy be uncut, shaven, under 4" and tucked between your nipples".
c a n ' t
s t o p
l a u g hing
This is the funnies thread I've read in a long time. Right up there with CYPs description of standing over the elders hitting them with Watchtower or something and screaming 'take that biotches"
Frannie Banannie
Nice idea......but........how long before infiltrators, posing as "defectors" have each one they make contact with in the "back room" before the BOE in a JC?
But Frannie, in the backroom for what? wearing a poorly knotted tie? Even the most stringent Body of Meddlers couldn't justify that. Maybe for the words of confirmation that come later. Such as "My car needs to be SIMONized." But, even that is pretty generic.
Before proceeding any further with the conversation you would need to watch and check the other person out some.
How about a double double agent ploy? The one accused could be posing as a double double agent and thus excape prosecution.