by Mary 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seeker4

    I remember how so many would hope at the DC that some "new truths" would be revealed, like someone's disappointed dad mentioned above.

    I look back on that as such an odd thing. There is another recent post about JW sayings and expressions. The one I've long had the most trouble with is "the truth." JWs simply have the most convoluted and unrealistic view of truth. "Strong in the truth," "when did he fall out of the truth?" (like it was some goddamn tree!!), "current truth" (when I told some non-JWs that this was a common Witness expression, they simply found it almost impossible to believe). "Did he leave the truth?" (I would never let anyone use that expression about me in my presence. I would say, "Well, I left the Witnesses, but not the truth. Actually, I left the Witnesses because of the truth!").


  • ozziepost

    G'day Mary,

    Thx for posting this - as you say, we've heard about it already but nevermind, eh? It's good of ezekiel3 to give the link (where did he get that name? )

    A few comments about your experience:

    "...there's nothing new in this, it's the same as the other publications.......I was sort of hoping for something new..."

    How could there be anything "new" if, as they claim, it's from the Bible? That's what the Borg has done, it's conditioned the R&F to expect something "new" each year, as if the Bible can be re-written!

    Those who practice the true religion worship only Jehovah and make his name known. (Who do they think the Jews worship?)

    And other christian churches all 'use' the name Jehovah but recognise that the Creator God was known by many names.

    True Christians accept Jesus Christ as God's means of salvation. (riiiight....and other Christian religions don't?)

    More than that, christian belief is that Christ is more than a "means" of salvation. Salvation is known in no-one else. The dubs teach a christ who was simply a created angel and 'did the job', so to speak. Once the WT even referred to him as a "public servant"!!!

    what religious group bases all its teachings on the Bible and makes kown Jehovah's name? What group practices godly love, exercises faith in Jesus, is no part of the world and proclaims that God's Kingdom is the only real hope for mankind?......The facts clearly show that it is Jehovah's Witnesses."

    Easy to say and sounds good, doesn't it? But "the facts" belie what they're teaching!

    Cheers, Ozzie (freedom lovers class)

  • delilah

    Mary, are they sure they were at a convention for JW's and not Billy ridiculous is that??? Crying because they were so moved....I'm gagging now....

    Delilah...(so tell me, what have you learned about the Sikkh's Mary??)

  • Netty

    Are you asleep yet??
    No, I'm actually too grossed out to be sleepy right now, IKKY! And the way they toss the word "true" around, true Christians, true believers, as if to differentiate that all the others, are false. Always having to elevate themselves above other religions. Can't believe I listened to all this stuff, 20 years ago. Recycled garbage is all it is.

  • tsunami_rid3r

    i wanted to clap like i was in a mosh pit at the convention. haha.

  • gumby
    The Contents are too boring to completely reiterate, but here's a sample:
    1. What Is God's Purpose for the Earth?
    2. Where Are the Dead?
    3. What Is God's Kingdom?
    4. Spirit Creatures--How They Affect Us
    5. Are We Living In The Last Days?
    6. How to Make Your Family Life Happy
    7. Worship That God Approves

    What do you suppose a CO would say if you asked him WHY we could not simply use older publications rather than this new one since the information is the same as the topics stated above?

    Sometimes I really wonder how much of a publishing comp[any it really is ....rather than a religion run by men who really believe they need more books such as this new one to further their purposes.


  • tsunami_rid3r

    dood this brand new spiritual food that jehovah has released to us. i think i have food poisoning after that 3 day assembly.

  • stillajwexelder

    and the light has got so much brighter that I am now blinded!!!!!!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Nothing ever new - Just New Bright Shiny Colored Covers - oh wait! They do it mostly in that new blah looking paperback now don't they? They don't even get to dress it up in a new color now.... no wonder the salesforce is not making many new recruits lately! Plus I bet the paperbacks get dogeared in the bookbags quickly too - I remember we could carry around a 'Truth Book' for a decade and it still looked good!!

  • free2beme

    Honestly when I read this info I felt slightly tired and wanted to see if I could take a nap without anyone noticing.

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