Would you consider 1 flask+1 bottle red wine per day too much? Assuming no obvious ill effects.
How much whiskey do you consume in a given day?
by IronGland 36 Replies latest jw friends
5 years ago ...alot!
I never drink booze....not one drop.
Why would you ask about whiskey specifically? I can't stand the stuff.
That depends on what you want out of life. You would eventually damage your liver. Just make sure your Doctor knows. Some medicine would have negative effects.
Usually just one or two mixed drinks every third day or so. On top of that, I might average a beer a day. Sometimes two.
You would eventually damage your liver.
No, not me. A friend of mine.
How bout just the wine? Thats only about 3 glasses. Also, someone who drank 1 liter of whiskey per day, how long would you think it would take until negative physical effects become apparent?
Iron....a bottle of wine is actually 5 glasses of wine.
Plus a flask of whiskey?!? Per day. Way too much.
In "medispeak" usually 3 drinks a day on a regular basis is too much. Obviously if once a week on a Friday night you have 3, 4 or 5 glasses of wine but then go a few days without any alcohol you will probably suffer no ill effects except for maybe a hangover the morning. But each person is different and damage can set in quite early for some and take others 20+ years to see. Depends. It took my uncle 30+ years of heavy drinking to finally kill himself. He drank a 750 ml bottle of gin EVERY night. Of course he suffered many drinking related issues along the way health wise too. Another friend of mine has been drinking heavily for 10 years....but before the health issues could catch up to him, he put a gun in his mouth last Xmas and ended it. -
Half a bottle of wine, or a pint and a half of beer, or three fingers of whiskey is the recommended maximum daily intake. Over this, on a regular basis and your friend is likely to become pretty dependant. It might not show on him at all, even after a whole flask, but that doesn't mean that his insides aren't rotting.
I drink maybe once every couple of weeks, and then it's usually just a beer or a finger or two of fine malt Whiskey, so in answer to the question in the thread title - about a splash on the tongue, per day
Ironically when I was Pioneering I would down four pints if Guinness a night (Fri, Sat, Sun), and then occasionally hit the whiskey on top of that. That was marginally over the limit, but being over a more concentrated period, like that, isn't supposed to be too healthy.