I will post more later, got to go back to work right now.
Elder Save All the Mailing Addresses and Phone# of the Friends You Can Get!
by frankiespeakin 23 Replies latest jw friends
FS, That was an unfair teaser!!!
What I wanted to say Save these addresses, and send out post cards to the friends, don't waste your time on letters most will throw them away, long rambly letter are the worst, too much to digest for an already prejudiced mind.
I used short messages on post cards with moderately sized letters (#12 or 14) you can't say much and that is the beautity of it you are force to find the simplest way to get right to the point.
Letters require opening, and many JW or trained not to show disloyalty to Jehovah and even open them, but a post card with moderately sized letters the message jumps right out at you and are easily read often with out a guilty conscience, because it is there infront of them and only takes less than one minute. I will look to find some of the letters that I wrote useing MS Word inside a postcard size box, that was easy to mass produce and print in a short time, When I did it post cards were only about$0.23 or $0.24 so you can do 100 for probably $25. US.
Short sweet and to the point, give web addy where they can get more info if they want.
AK - Jeff
Good suggestions. How has it worked for you? Any results you are aware of?
I was an elder in 2 states I'm now DF'd. No responses since I don't put any return address. Responses are not nessesarry to judge effectiveness, the piont is to get info to people, and allow time to work on them, just planting seeds. I know when I got mail from apostates I read it, it didn't get me out of the truth right away, it was merely help to make me aware and investigate further in time.
I admire your dedication to getting folks out.
Very good idea! I've done mass mailings using business envelopes with the P.O.'s return address on them. Usually I address the letters to the Mrs. But your idea of a postcard would be more effective. I'm going to give it a try. Thanks!
The postcard idea is a really good one.
After reading it, I was asking myself why I don't do it. I realized I have no one to mail them to. There's barely anyone I respect enough to try to save. The ones I knew well were really awful people. Horrible thought.
The last hall my wife was in had a mailing/phone list with all the names of "the friends". I should do that.
Why Georgia
I thought I was the only one who did these things.
There are some sisters I know from the hall that were not at all strong in the truth and were wavering because of "unbelieving " spouses. I always send them apostate post cards. I have hope for them that they will leave because both of their spouses are so strongly against the WTS.
I also send apostate pc's to elders and my husbands family....just so they'll have some persecution to b*tch about at their next meeting...
I also always make sure to send these from a town different than mine so they won't ever link it to me...I've even sent them to friends in other states in a package and had them mail it from their state so the person is really confused!