Elder Save All the Mailing Addresses and Phone# of the Friends You Can Get!

by frankiespeakin 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    I think we have shared some good ideas on this post. I can't get my old post card messages because they were on another hard drive that is burried in storaged but maybe some could post what they might put in a post card size box. I had a ready made 3x5 or what ever size box saved in msword, and when ever I can across something interesting I would pull that file up and start typing, then when I ran out of space, I would look for what I could delete or make simpler, in a short while the message was ready, simple direct and thought provoking.

    Good luck to everyone!

    Hey Rebel... if you would like some addresses to write to, maybe you could ask some one to pm you, you never know what will turn up.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    One thing that might be used on postcards - and the use of postcards is a most EXCELLENT idea - is brief snippets of Old Lightâ„¢ citing the source. Use Quotes as your source of inspiration, and any topic that tickles your fancy; Aluminum, the King of The North, Vaccinations, etc.

    These might be more effective than an "obviously" apostate message, and they would all cite "Mother" as the source of the deliciously (in)correct words of trooth.

  • sf

  • rebel8


    How about focusing on one topic and giving neutral web sites as a reference? Try asking a question instead of making a statement so it is less "threatening" to them. For example:
    • "Did you know the WTS joined the UN NGO, agreed in writing to support the UN's goals, and even submitted literature and balance sheets to show their eligibility for that status?" Read about it here..." Then list the sites (don't remember them off the top of my head, but I have them all listed on my site--follow link to "considering becoming a jw" section.)
    • "Did you know the WTS sent a letter to Hitler supporting his efforts?"
    • "Did you know the WTS purchased stock in Rand corporation, a military equipment manufacturer?"
    • "Did you know the WTS asked JWs to pray for a pro-American outcome to World War I?"

    There are some ideas for you.

  • frankiespeakin


    Those are some very good ideas.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Is there anyone here who has the huevos to go into Bethel and buy a BIG bunch of Watchtower postcards?

    Or even a small bunch - they wouldn't be hard to forge once an original was in hand.



    another income stream possibility...

  • frankiespeakin


    How about some of our graphic artist on this forum making a nice post size (4 x 6) design as a real attention getter that different ones can copy and print. Maybe even some messages inside a 3.5 x 5.5 box in thier own style and clever wording. Then those of us who may not be so gifted could just copy them and make what ever changes they so desire.

  • Honesty

    It works!!!

    I have seen a lot of JW's in the past 2 months who have been the object of my postcards and flyers and they all look very worried. They all seem to have something on their minds. There is hope they will reject the apostate teachings of the WTBTS soon, very soon.

  • frankiespeakin
  • frankiespeakin

    I think for post card to be effect, stay away from trying to convert them to another form of religious mind control, or any born again BS.

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