Not to go off topic, but it is relevant to point out that the feeling of stillness is not it. That is not what they talk about in zen, as was pointed out by Kwong Roshi in the audio link from Dansk's vigil thread a couple of weeks ago. The stillness that is pointed to is already there, the mind may "attain" stillness but that is actually mind following the pre-existing stillness.
Frankly it isn't about how you feel or any kind of experience. If you get it, you can listen to heavy metal music and feel that, resonate with it but have the stillness simultaneously, just as an example.
As far as the idea of "become eating" and the like, that helps to point out the absorption and awareness being completely engaged, but it doesn't mean you are identified with it. Whether you have a conditioned response is not the point, it's whether or not there is identification with any of it. If you identify with this witnessing activity, for example, it would be what Chogyam Trungpa called unskillful in I believe it was the book Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism. This is what most people try to do when they are trying to be "mindful." Awareness is there, it's a fact, it's not something you do. Any such witnessing one tries to do will only be contrived efforting, putting the cart before the horse.
To put it another way, it isn't about altering your experience. Whether your experience is one of fear and anxiety or one of peace and bliss is irrelevant from the perspective of stillness. Naturally when this is seen clearly those feelings tend to fade and become smaller and insignificant over time, but it does not come from trying to change anything. It is what the bible calls peace beyond understanding. (obviously not the NWT rendering) You don't feel better and more peaceful, you realize something beyond feelings.