Up to our elbows in Newbs on JWD

by IP_SEC 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • RichieRich
    it shows us that we are not alone.

    You said it all right there.

  • upside/down
    "No doubt Satan has been waiting for years for a device to come along like the Internet that can link up complete strangers to use and manipulate for his purpose."

    Wait a second... Devil the Satan can possess people, cause world wars, etc but he can't invent machines to further his purpose? He has to wait on stupid humans to invent stuff that he can manipulate?

    Is anyone buying this BS?

    What kind of lame ass is he?

    The Dubs see everything as the deeemunz, pitiful wretches.

    ****black cat crosses u/d's path**** Oh crap, I'm screwed... quick throw some salt over my shoulder for good mojo.

    u/d (of the glad I'm not a slave to superstition class)

  • MOS

    Thanks OZ. Read the best of threds. Good ammo should I ever need it.

    And BTW I strted in NSW. Liverpool cong to be exact.

  • kls

    Seems we are again ,Up to our elbows in Newbies so WELCOME ALL

    HELL"O and pull up a chair

  • Caedes

    hey i'm new! I've been out for a while now, got kicked out of home at 17 primarily because i didn't want to be a JW .

    I always knew it was BS though, even as a kid.

    Well hello to one and all, now how do I go about causing problems for my local congregation?!

  • mouthy

    WELCOME NEWBIES!! Well MOS!!!! I didnt even get an honarable mention. Just because I am the OLDEST on board & it is polite to recognize the Gray headed... I am so happy you found all on here "aint" they a great lot!!!!???? Mouthy/Gran/ Grace ((((HUG)))

  • jimakazi

    I'm no longer a newbie, moved on.

    I found it quiet time consuming to make a 100 posts and escape newbie status.

  • dh

    Post 2104 of 2157since 21-Jan-05

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Welcome, Newbies, to JWD Forum!!!

    What's behind the Watchtower?

    YEAHHHHHH!!! It's really Independence "Day"!

    So glad yall decided to venture onto this website. It's so heartening and refreshing to "see" so many newbies on JWD. It reassures us that the posters here who've been diligent in their efforts to help those living "Steppford" lives find their way to the truth that *really* sets yall free, have become very successful.

    Yall'll find genuine new light (not neon light) here and a lot of support, warmth, caring and companionship.



  • Rod P
    Rod P

    I stumbled on JWD doing a search on Jehovah's Witnesses in January /05. I have been out of JW's since 1966 (but lived in a religiously divided home with a JW wife until 1973).

    Anyway, exploring JWD subjects, I was attracted to one about Depression, recalling my battles with this back then. One thing led to another, and next thing I knew I was telling my "life story", and how I overcame depression, and rebuilt my life in a whole new direction.

    Then I started trolling around the JWD and was utterly amazed at the wealth of knowledge and experience that was on this site. This led me to new insights about all that I had been thru, especially the ashes of my JW exodus.

    Next thing you know, I found opportunities to contribute to this forum too, and I hope that some of it has proven useful along the way. Anyway, now that I'm hooked, looks like I'm here to stay.

    About the 2000 or so Newbies since January 2005 (less those who have renamed themselves- which I think is pretty minimal), I just want to say WELCOME ALL NEWBIES! COME ONE, COME ALL!

    Are the number increases accelerating? I think there is a trend demonstrating that that is the case. It must be striking terror in the heart of the WBTS/GB. Ever heard of the Snow Ball Principle- Getting bigger and bigger, faster and faster, as it rolls down the hill? I think that's what's happening here. Also, I suspect there must be thousands of JW's around the world right now who have some serious doubts and questions, but do not feel quite ready or able to make the move out of the ORG. The family ties and connections could be too great, and the price they would have to pay is too high. So they sit there and fester and fume in their doubts, wishing they could do something about their situation. As a way to let off a little steam, they come to places like this JWD forum on the internet. And before you know it, they begin to feel like they are discovering enough evidence and wisdom that confirms how they have been feeling and why, and also gives them the realization that they are not the only ones going thru this, and they are also not alone. This strengthens them, which turns into a kind of catalyst for action. Next thing you know, they begin to express themselves on places like this forum. Voila! Here comes a lot of Newbies! And that's a great thing, IMHO!

    I feel with every fiber of my being that we are doing a good thing here, helping people to see all the lies, inconsistencies, corruption and damages that have been done by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society/Governing Body to so many thousands of sincere individuals over the years, and continue doing so to this day. This is not bitterness; it is a fact! The proofs are all around us on this JWD forum. It needs to be exposed for what it is, and at the same time, for those who decide to leave the ORG, they have a place to come to for support and understanding and acceptance.

    Another thing about this forum: It is not just limited to JW religious discussion. There are a lot of other interesting topics, from news events to politics, from science to cosmology and evolution, from atheism to philosophy, from ghosts, witchcraft and demons, from mathematic paradoxes and puzzles to games, favorite sayings and expressions, from new alternatives for spirituality to the critical examination of other religions and cults, and on and on and on. You know, if this was all catalogued and organized, I think this could turn into an online University education, and Simon ought to start offering graduate diplomas to anyone who reaches at least Jedi here, while others go on to get their masters and phd's for higher levels. LOL

    Rod P.

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