What can I say but......we are here for just this reason, Hon! THIS is the place to vent, rant, complain and feel sorry for the way your "promises" have turned out. We all understand!!!
I have said this before----that after I left the WTS, I felt so crummy (in a way) that after 30 years of pretty much having a vast amount of friends and company 24/7---that now I was reduced to friends and people who totally understood ME that were all just names on a computer screen!
Not that I wasn't grateful for all the love, help and support online, it was just the irony of so many years of being the good JW and because *I* dscovered what the WTS was really all about.....I was now in this low space in my life. Hubby didn't want to hear it, I learned that right off the bat. Somehow the enormity of it all escaped him other than "our" life had changed for the better being off that crazy and demanding JW schedule!
I began to realize that it really didn't matter to anyone else in my circle of relatives and "friends". It's a lonely place to be in your late 50's. I do know exactly where you are coming from. So do a whole lot of us.
Please don't let this discouragement get you so down that you cannot get back up again. Don't let the nasty WTS have one second more of your life in this way! Yes---you ARE an exJW, but you are so much more! You are a great guy and have a LOT to offer----don't forget that!
We are here for you!