Venting Frustration

by prophecor 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Balsam


    Sorry your wife is not in tune with you and doesn't care enough to listen to you. I have a husband who has never been a JW but he has been supportive and has listened and learned. When we go to gatherings of ex-witnesses he is right there talking and sharing. You just have a selfish spouse who is not willing to walk in your shoes. Sorry your experiencing this. Does talking here with us help at all make up for she is not able to provide.

    I try not to talk so much about the JW as I have in the past to my hubby, I just think now I'm ready to unload on him as much as I used too.

    Hope you can work this out which ever way it goes.


  • lonelysheep

    I can relate to what you're going through. It is frustrating for me because I can't talk to my husband much about it without being made to feel embarrassed for falling for their crap.

  • Sunspot


    What can I say but......we are here for just this reason, Hon! THIS is the place to vent, rant, complain and feel sorry for the way your "promises" have turned out. We all understand!!!

    I have said this before----that after I left the WTS, I felt so crummy (in a way) that after 30 years of pretty much having a vast amount of friends and company 24/7---that now I was reduced to friends and people who totally understood ME that were all just names on a computer screen!

    Not that I wasn't grateful for all the love, help and support online, it was just the irony of so many years of being the good JW and because *I* dscovered what the WTS was really all about.....I was now in this low space in my life. Hubby didn't want to hear it, I learned that right off the bat. Somehow the enormity of it all escaped him other than "our" life had changed for the better being off that crazy and demanding JW schedule!

    I began to realize that it really didn't matter to anyone else in my circle of relatives and "friends". It's a lonely place to be in your late 50's. I do know exactly where you are coming from. So do a whole lot of us.

    Please don't let this discouragement get you so down that you cannot get back up again. Don't let the nasty WTS have one second more of your life in this way! Yes---you ARE an exJW, but you are so much more! You are a great guy and have a LOT to offer----don't forget that!

    We are here for you!



  • prophecor

    Thanx all for your support.

    You've all be an inspiration.

    Going to push Hot Wheels at Hertz and will be back to personally thank all of you later.

    You people are the greatest.

  • Crumpet

    Hope you are feeling better after your sleep too!

  • love2Bworldly

    Prophecor--hope things work out for you. I have a lot of days where I want to leave my marriage or start an affair so I feel your pain. I am a very giving person and my spouse is very self-involved and I feel like a deflated balloon.

  • lonelysheep


    you took the words right out of my mouth hands just now.

  • MerryMagdalene

    I'm feelin for you, Prophecor...

    Wish I knew what to say. Love and understanding are here for you in abundance but I know that isn't always enough.

    Inspired by a prayer for self-love by Don Migual Ruiz, I will say this and hope there is something in it that helps in some way:

    May you accept yourself just the way you are, without judgment, embracing all your thoughts, all your emotions, all your hopes and dreams, and your wonderfully unique way of being you. May you accept your body just the way it is, in all its beauty and perfection. May you let the love you have for yourself be so strong that you never again reject yourself or sabotage your own happiness, freedom, and love.
    May you let every action, reaction, thought and feeling spring from the love within you, the love you have for yourself. May you increase your self-love until it is strong enough to destroy all the lies you were programmed to believe--all the lies that tell you you are not good enough or worthy enough. May you let the power of your self-love be so strong that you no longer need to live your life according to other people's opinions and you can trust yourself to make the choices you must make. May you face every responsibility and resolve every problem that arises in your life with the power of the infinite love the rises from within you and nourishes you completely before flowing outward to others. May you love other people enough to entrust them to their own paths.

    And may you vent freely here whenever you need to, as we all do...(((((Arthur)))))


  • RichieRich


    What can I say except for I understand 100%. It is hard. Your struggle is getting your mate to understand, Mine is getting my friends to do it. It's hard. That's why we have JWD. From what I've found, my worst day as an "apostate" is better than my best day as a JW.

    Think about that.

    Go buy yourself an ice cream. It's hot outside.


  • whyamihere

    I can't say that I understand. Because I don't.

    This is my advice. I don't know if I am right or not because I am not there. However, Could there be something there that is more to her not ever being a JW?

    Also, I think there is a plus and minus to this. Yes she will never understand what you are going through. All of the Bullshit you re-live everyday of your life. She will never get it. You can't fault her though.

    My Father is in the same boat as you. He remarried someone who has never been a JW. She actually had no idea about anything with the Religion. He had a hard time at first. He told me in a way it is refreshing her not being one. He can forget about the JW's. He actually can have some sort of normal life with her.

    I don't know it is hard sometimes you want someone to understand you 100%. Well if you can't get it at home then that's what friends are for. We are here. We understand. We know! Don't end something because of the Cult. Don't let it rule and ruin your life again.

    If you want to leave no one can stop you...just do it for the right reasons. Live your life do not let that religion do it anymore.

    Your friend.


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