Does anyone know of a site to get the percentage of population that were killed in the various wars? It must be on the web somewhere but I can't find it.
Was it really so peaceful prior to 1914?
by ithinkisee 43 Replies latest jw friends
Its nice not having to have a wall around your city too.
Hi Ithinkisee, the book by Barbara W. Tuchman, The Proud Tower ( A Portrait of the World Before 1914 ) gives a definitive look at the world once assumed as peaceful. It was actually a time of great upheval, filled with the violence of anarchy, mass asassinations of political figures, excessive poverty and a host of other problems that would make one wonder, just what it was the WTBTS was trying to make us believe was the rosey period of the world, before 1914. It never really existed.
There were wars as already mentioned, The Boer War and others that were a pre-cursor to the war of 1914. Terrorism is well documented by the author, one of noteworthy fame was Ravaschol, a terrorist who was expertly crafted in the killing of many people. Others he also, got to follow in his footsteps. During my days as a witness, I found the book so compelling that it was counted as one the free library was going to have to do without. It was never returned.
Thanks Prophecor ... good book recommendation ... I ordered it on -ithinkisee
Hard to say really, everyone seems to have their own theory. Nevertheless, my granddad was born 1906 (died 10 ago) used to tell me that life was rather peaceful back then. He remembered 1st WW as a kid, apparently many of villagers went into war (even though drafted) with great sense of enthusiasm.
This alone would tell me that most of them didn't have even remotely any kind of the hindsight we have today.
On another note I think we have to move away from the notion of looking at that year with skepticism just because that year is pivotal point for WTBS. First and foremost, that was a turning point of our modern civilization. Hopefully we as humanity can learn something from it.
Besides, WTBS made many of their doctrines after events of that year have happened, which speaks enough for itself. -
On another note I think we have to move away from the notion of looking at that year with skepticism just because that year is pivotal point for WTBS. First and foremost, that was a turning point of our modern civilization. Hopefully we as humanity can learn something from it.
Certainly. I'll agree it was a momentous year. No doubt about it. I just question the "artistic license" the Society uses in exaggerating claims to fit their doctrine (though I shouldn't be surprised anymore I guess).
Notice - only two hurricanes have been the most dangerous since I was born (1973). So at least from my standpoint things are BETTER:
Adding to the_classicist's list:
There were TWO (not one, but TWO!) Balkan Wars in the years just prior to 1914 (don't have the exact dates with me). Europe was a tenderkeg that had already gone off twice. To suggest it was peaceful, and that WWI "came out of nowhere" proves how poorly informed are WTS researchers.
My tour of the National Military Museum in Bucharest, Romania, was very eye opening regarding the history of European wars. (Seriously, there must have been a war every 25-50 years for like the last 500 years). I suspect *any* war museum in any European country would be equally instructive.
WTS bends both bible scripture, and historical facts, to fit their pathetic theology.
~Quotes, of the "Archduke Ferdinand" class -
Sonnyboy, your post is hilarious. I am still laughing!