One thing you can say about the leaders of the Watchtower----they simply do as they please. Whenever they want to make up a new rule to impose upon the helpless "sheep", they simply tell you this is how it is from now on. For example you could've been a Witness and at the same time been a smoker, but in the early 70's, "new light" said that those who smoked actually were involved with the DEMONS! Smokers were now guilty of "practicing spiritism"!!!...... They Society even changed the rules of baptismal questions in mid stream. Pre 1980s you were baptized in the name of holy spirit. Suddenly, without ever even pointing it out to JWs and prospective ones, you were suddenly baptized into "God's spirit-directed organization". BIG DIFFERENCE!!......... Married couples in the early 70's were told that enjoying oral sex with their mate was despicable and imitating acts that were homosexual in nature so that now anyone performing fellatio or cunnilingus could be disfellowshipped unless they desisted from the abominations. Then, "new light" struck again.It was not a disfellowshipping act after all BUT if you did get DF'd for it, you still had to apply for reinstatement, meet with the elders and have them determine whether or not you were fit to come back into Jehovah's "clean organization"!........And they wonder why people get sick of the "truth" and leave it for good!
The Watchtower Makes Up New Rules As They Go Along
by minimus 39 Replies latest jw friends
So what was the question again??
they wonder why people get sick of the "truth" and leave it for good!
No they don't. They "know" why they leave... it's Debil da Satan hard at work... dummy.
They use much the same technique they used to develop the Talmud from the Torah. As a problem comes up with no old rule, make a new rule.For example, if you own a hen and it lays an egg would it be working on the Sabbath if you gathered the egg.
Yes, if the hen is only being raised to eat not as a layer because you only picking up part of the chicken that fell off.
No, if the hen is being raised to lay eggs.
Now I see where the Dubs get it... it's in their pedigree... the Jews.
u/d (of the too many stupid rules exasperate me class)
What can be said but....I agree! What could any JW do about the new rules/changes anyway? Complain to management? Ask for a refund? What?I was baptized in 1972.I was there in 1985 when the baptism questions were changed without the batting of an eye---no explanations no reasons, and no way to discuss this as a JW! Just WAS. Take it or leave it. So very WTS, as I was soon to discover.
Just HOW does an organization go ahead and "improve" on what was (supposedly) taken from the bible, under God's direction?
This 'do as we say' attitude is not just at the 'upper levels' in the WTS. It dribbles down to the local levels, too. The local gestapo - er, 'elders' - tend to make up their own rules as they see fit. This is why you have some 'congregations' that allow some functions, and others that do not. Their catch phrase - if asked goes something like... 'it's a matter of conscience'. - or somesuch rubbish. Regards, Jim TX
Jehovah's Witnesses are not a "Christian" religion. They are an offshoot of Judaism.
Jehovah's Witnesses are not a "Christian" religion. They are an offshoot of Judaism.
W-e-e-l-l-l that's a pretty bold statement, min - but what about a question? I've got an idea on this, how about JWs are a Christian OT religion? Nah, that's not right either! My problem is that ask any of the R&F "Are you a christian?" and they will say Yes! I'm sure they believe it. hell, I did! The problem then is that the outside world sees they are not but they, the dubs, are oblivious. I know! It's like the king with no clothes. Remember that story? Yep, that'll do!
Pharisaical Judaism with some bastardized christology, eh min? Yes.Its very interesting to me that there have been no new articles on oral sex within the marriage. With all the new people coming in in the past 2 decades who practice the fith of oral sex, the society is remiss in not proclaiming this abomonation more loudly. These modern Pharisees traverse land and sea to make a convert, then condem him to Gehennah by not telling him/her of the evils of OS (oral sex, not OldSoul or Old Soul)